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Comment Re:But everything in that article is made up. (Score 1) 898

Excuse me? I'm not *evangelizing* jack shit. I said *why* I think something - clearly identified both my source and (in)experience with the topic - and thanked people that provided comments.

People can do that, you know? State what they think and then listen to what other people have to say - it's how intelligent people refine their opinions.

The dude from MS said a full day before your personal attack that the article didn't hold up - that was good enough for me, because it's not something I care enough about to research any further. Just like my newly refined opinion of you.

Comment Re:Your assumption is incorrect. (Score 1) 898

Thanks for the response. I guess I'm slow because I can't wrap my head around the assertion that there is "absolutely ZERO impact on people who don't use DRM'd media".

Admittedly, I don't use Vista - and I'm basing my opinion on this article I read a long time ago - but it seems to be both by "common-sense" and "real figuring" (like in the article), all the DRM stuff that was added in Vista does have some impact. Even on those who wouldn't be using DRM'ed files.

"Stayin Alive" Helps You Stay Alive 31

In a small study conducted at the University of Illinois medical school, doctors and students maintained close to the ideal number of chest compressions doing CPR while listening to the Bee Gees hit, "Stayin' Alive." At 103 beats per minute, the old disco song has almost the perfect rhythm to help keep accurate time while doing chest compressions. The study showed the song helped people who already know how to do CPR, and the results were promising enough to warrant larger, more definitive studies with real patients or untrained people. I wonder what intrinsic power is contained in "How Can You Mend A Broken Heart?"

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Ya'll hear about the geometer who went to the beach to catch some rays and became a tangent ?
