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Comment I asked a republican. . . (Score 2) 319

A good guy too. His response to the Comcast/Level 3/Netflix thing was "The middlemen always get their cut". The netflix bits on the wire have a higher "value" or "profit potential" than other bits, and therefore the people carrying those bits should be entitled to a cut of that profit. I asked if shipping companies do the same thing regarding the content and value of the boxes they move around and he suggested they do. He was totally cool with the concept.

I guess this is basically the idea that businesses need to maximize profits using any means. This is actually really great-- instead of profits being tied to your own operations, i.e, shipping more packages at minimal cost-- now you can "piggy back" on the success of other companies. The more successful another company becomes, the bigger your cut can become!

I feel dirty now.

Comment Re:cfdisk /dev/sdb; mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 (Score 2, Insightful) 322

Partition the usb drive into two. sdb1 is a tiny ntfs partition with some barney pics, and sdb2 is ext3 with all the awesome stuff on it. Windows won't even know how to access the 2nd partition AFAIK. Last time I checked Windows wouldn't even let you partition a usb thumbdrive w/ more than 1 partition.

Comment Build your Own (Score 1) 445

C'mon guys, this isn't rocket science. Keep it modular and keep it off-the-shelf, right?

First stage, convert a regular evaporative cooler to pump the dessicant solution instead of water. It just needs to be highly corrosive-resistant. Now your incoming 100F air at 40% RH is now like 120F at 10% humidity or something like that. Hotter, but drier.

Next, you need a heat exchanger to pull some of that energy out without adding humidity. Adobe Air makes a modular product to do this. Or, you can skip this piece and get a two-stage evap such as the OASys. Or just insert a Coolerado here.

Finally, to really get cool temperatures, we need to add water back in. If you inserted a two-stage unit above, you're done. Otherwise just use a regular-ole evaporative cooler here.

Since we actually want to make this feasible without vast quantities of free energy, we will recharge the dessicant in a more sustainable manner. Obtain two empty swimming pools. The first pool is for the dry dessicant, the 2nd pool for the wet dessicant. After the cooling season, use a small solar concentrating array to recharge the dessicant pool. It'll take all winter but that's fine.

Comment Re:Havardi, Dear God, man, take a breath. :-) (Score 1) 393

Sorry about that, but--the article you cite is not only ancient, but factually conflicts with another ancient article on the exact same site:

If you mean neighborhoods with people willing or capable of paying more for energy might not choose a plan that include TOU (time-of-use), or appliance-control-- then you are correct and that is exactly what is happening right now regardless of a mandatory policy. Poor people will generally try to reduce their electric bill by any means possible. If that means TOU, or even appliance control, fine, they will do it. Does that mean it is bad? Well, it sucks to be poor but they can save some money by doing it. Would you opt for everyone to be forced to pay the same (higher) flat-rate for electricity regardless of your income level?

Maybe I am just worn out from all the extreme slippery slope arguments against damn near everything. I mean literally any new anything could be turned into your "mandatory" argument.

Comment Re:Listen to the gray hair on this. (Score 1) 393

Yeah! Like 1.6GPF toilets!! GAHH I miss my 12 gallon flusher. Damn socialists! I have every right to use the energy that I pay for, as much as I want, whenever I want!! STAY OUTTA MY BUSINESS!!

Wait, what's that? There is a price model that accounts for time of use AND demand? Penalizing me for running my 5-Ton oversized A/C Unit that short-cycles like mad while I'm doing dishes and laundry at 3PM in July?

Oh crap!!! It's voluntary today-- it'll be mandatory tomorrow!! It's time to get the guns!! Let FREEDOM RINGGGGGG and the WHITE DOVE Singgggg

Comment SRP did this in the 80s or 90s? (Score 1) 393

My old water heater had a label on it that said something like "This device is controlled by SRP" or something to that effect. I got the impression it was radio controlled. I cannot find any information on this old program in Arizona. The previous owners of our house were pretty weird so they might have been beta testers or something. Anyone know anything about this?

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