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Comment I'm fing fed up by American exceptionalism... (Score 4, Insightful) 215

I'm going to catch the wrath of my fellow flag-wrapped, self-professed "patriotic" American countrymen, but I'm fucking fed up and feel the need to speak up.
This sick propaganda starts with the media. Fuck reading a story's contents, you give me the color/race, ethnicity, religion, sexual-orientation, wealth/affluence, partisanship of the story (domestic and international), I'll tell you exactly what the reactions of my countrymen will be regardless of the facts. This post-colonial imperialism is sickening and runs through the veins of our society from top to bottom. It creates double standards, domestically and internationally.
China and its Ministry of Agriculture rejects unapproved goods just like our FDA would. How dare they expect the same as us? Let the smear campaign begin! China executes Uyghur Muslims, all of a sudden China is the best. Why? Because in our hierarchical caste system, China seems ranks higher than Muslims. This is the reality, a single stamp on your forehead of an identity defines one entirely and groups you with a stereotype irrelevant of the facts. And if you think that people are willingly going to accept second-class treatment, you are tripping, keep investing in the military as this is the only way.
This is exactly why:
  • we are bending over and taking it as our gov't sells out its citizen's right to privacy
  • some rich white kid gets off with "affluenza"
  • Zimmerman, had irrational support cult-like following
  • Snowden, a true patriot, is on the run from his own gov't
  • we have murdered, YES MURDERED, hundreds of thousands of people in many wars
  • Discriminatory anti-Muslim rhetoric is flowing openly. Sikhs are targeted as Muslims, we condemn the acts afterwards because "they aren't even Muslims"
  • ...

These double standards and injustices go on BECAUSE you permit it to happen. I'm the fucking patriot here, you are just a mindless sheep falling in line, fuck you!

Comment Re:That seems an awful lot of engineers (Score 1) 32

Shouldn't judge an iceberg by its tip.
Not to undermine the massive infrastructure twitter must maintain for its core service, Twitter has additional services such as Vine (short Video sharing) and TwitterTV (from the jobs posted). In addition, maintaining an API which multitude of businesses, academics and individuals rely has its own challenges. I'm sure I'm missing more info, but the point is there is much more going on at Twitter (as with most other companies) than the simple services the general public seems to be exposed to and these services are created and serviced by employees.

Comment Software is living (Score 1) 524

Software is a living thing with ongoing needs throughout its full life cycle, including BUG fixes. You need to understand and acknowledge this and communicate it to your clientele. Inform them that they will have "software needs" well beyond the duration of your contract. This is why maintenance support exists which might be another source of revenue for you.

Ignoring the nature of the product you are delivering will not do anyone any good.

Comment In capitalism... (Score 5, Insightful) 668

Wealth and Power are compounding, always siphoning to the top. Unless you place restrictions, i.e. socialist policy, it's only a matter of time before serfdom ensues, It's no coincidence that 80% of the wealth created over the past two decades have gone to the top 1% of the population. Remember the dream of being millionaires in the 90s? Nowadays, billion is the dream. Yes, inflation over time is real, however it doesn't warrant an increase of 10^3 magnitude.

Comment Re:The brightest minds of a generation (Score 3, Insightful) 39

What about the bright minds coming up with new ways to kill people (military)?
Moral codes, ethics and philosophies are for the classroom, cash is what rules in the real world. The massive efforts of society to abstract our ill-doings (work) from our morals shouldn't be overlooked either.

Comment DO Older Developers Still WANT TO Learn New Tricks (Score 1) 365

Although, massive grouping of all old programmers to a stereotype is unfair, my experience is that It's a matter of desire/passion. Technically, I think the old programmer has a good grasp of the underlying foundation of logic. It's a matter or putting in the time to learn the new recipe and syntax. Often, their experience will get them up and running far quicker than a young buck.
Can a old programmer learn new tricks? Absolutely. Does he/she want to? Well.
  1. Is he/she burnt out
  2. Can he/she sacrifice the time required without neglecting his/her established lifestyle and family
  3. Is he/she still passionate or is he/she disenfranchised by his/her negative experience in the field?
  4. Does he/she have the guts to be a noob and feel stupid again? I know many who take pride in their area of expertise and rightfully do not want to dilute their worth by becoming less good in other sometimes newer areas.

Comment Re:Dubious story, dubious subject... (Score 4, Interesting) 92

I drank from the fire-hose and voted this story up.

I work for a dot com older than LinkedIn which is crippled by a similar (worse) monolith legacy webapp. Innovation, efficiency, development cycles, new features and site/product-wide roll-outs are a pain or in some cases impossible. This story gives one perspective/solution to the problem.

Software is a fast moving space, you snooze you lose. As the web matures, I see many more once-prolific trendsetting companies slip into bureaucratic process-driven monoliths milking every bit of value the antiquated software still holds. The wise companies invest in technology and reap the benefits of the initially intangible results of a flexible, maintainable, truly agile technological stack, however, most companies eventually fall into the cycle of:
  1. Start-up and innovate
  2. Grow and profit
  3. Implement n-layers of bureaucratic oversight and process to protect the value
  4. stop their ongoing evaluation
  5. Loose market-share to newcomers and mavericks in your segment
  6. paralyzed with more market-share loss, copy the competition wherever you can and desperately hold onto your scraps
  7. keep losing market-share
  8. disappear into the abyss

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