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Comment Re:Let's first define shovelware (Score 1) 277

I like the Urban Dictionary definition. It's descriptive and succinct
"1. Software that is hastily made, without proper testing, and 'shoveled' down consumers throats in order to make some quick cash. "

We've had them since time immemorial. Indeed, in the past the precursors of LJN sold cheap chess boards made out of clay, straw and cow dung when real developers used hard wood or ivory.

Comment Re:Yes, They Can (Score 1) 277

Blaming it on the name... It's a factor but it's not the entire explanation.
Yes, Nintendo will sell a decent amount of machines whenever they unleash their eagerly awaited first party titles, that's basically Nintendo's own analysis and that's the problem. They're going to sell millions of Zelda/Mario/Kart/Smash Bros, but third party developers get to eat shit and nobody will have the confidence to develop proper games for the system apart from shovelware and some token conversions of 360/PS3 games.
At this rate Wii U will have the worst third party library since the Wii and N64. They're lucky they have strong handhelds to keep 'em alive.

Comment I just updated to 8.1 (Score 1) 398

After it finishes updating you *have* to create a Live account. This was not required before so I set my birthdate to 1905 and name/surname to fückoffwanker. Choke on it Microsoft! I hope I can contribute in some small way by poisoning your data gathering algorithms.
Looking at the interface, I feel like I gained nothing from this except for multi-coloured metro tiles and a useless start button. Amusingly the system pre-installed a health app on the metro interface. Makes sense for a 108 year old.

I'm only putting up with this shit because of games, help me Gabe Newell, you're my only hope!

Comment Tradtional joypad games? (Score 2) 317

How do I play Street Fighter or any traditional joypad game on that thing? I don't want to dismiss it out of hand, but I have serious doubts.
It might actually be a better joypad for console fps gaming, but unless I see good TF2 YTbers like shibby2142 praising the pad and pulling off rocket jumps while shovelling people with ease... I'll stick to kb+m.

Comment Developers will abandon kinect now! (Score 1) 216

Nah... I doubt they ever wanted or intended to develop for it to begin with. Some MS first party titles will have it shoehorned into them; but most games, even the vast majority of games will remain multi platform, so putting in kinect functionality is a wasted effort. Just like PS Move, SixAxis or Wiiu Pad support.

Comment Complaining worked. (Score 1) 547

... and it shows they really want the xbone to succeed, even if it involves a complete 180.
No matter the complaints over the metro interface in Win8, the only fix they're working on is to make the Metro interface extra sparkly and loaded with bullshit features non of the Desktop users need or want in 8.1.
Goes to show that Windows 8 needs a real competitor to make MS work for the money.

Comment EA can DIAFOA (Score 1) 303

It's sad to see how consumers have been lulled into an accepting stupor. Back when they planned on having weapon DLC for the Bad Company games some years ago, shit hit the fan. Now they get away with releasing a Dead Space game with a bunch of DLC options and I suspect that Battlefield 4 will take it to new level.

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