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Comment Re:Iowa can get very hot in summer (Score 2) 103

You can build underground here and not worry about heat problems. In fact if you don't insulate right, you will be quivering for heat. Also, wind and solar here are easy to farm up. They make giant wind generators here, they are amazing to see the parts for them being shipped across the highways.

Latency here is good, I can use either coast's servers without hindrance to game play. Most of our rural areas have decent Internet connections, so that you can work at a high tech place, yet have a home in "Smallville" Iowa that you can upload work from or to. High tech meets antiques. My computer desk is an old beater roll top desk that I have adapted a monitor on an arm for. Best of several worlds.

Sure, the pigs smell, but unless it's a corporate farm, the hog farms aren't that big and you can pass the smell fast enough if you have to pass by one. The industrial lots on the other hand....don't be near one.

Sure we have some fat girls, but who doesn't? We also have some very athletic farm girls who are gorgeous and could probably kick your ass and out shoot most of you "city slickers." That's extreme too, but we do have some fine women. Any university town will have your head on a swivel.

Republicans probably gave away the farm in tax breaks to lure them in. The trickle down effect is better than no effect. The economy is a knife fight here if you aren't a farmer. It's a gun fight if you are a farmer.

We also have the best tasting pork or beef you will ever sink teeth into and for us locals it's cheaper and fresh. When we grill here, it's nothing short of magical. If you go to the Iowa State Fair and try some of the State's finest grilled meats, you will be ruined for life, nothing else will be that good. Stand there, with a cold beer and cry as you enjoy it, you know there will be nothing that good pass your lips again lest you return once again. There should be a law against how good it is.

We have rivers, lakes, hunting, fishing, camping all in pristine condition, with air crisp and clean.

Now if only we had government that would legalize hemp/weed we could kick start some new industries. Iowa could grow the finest hemp/weed in the universe. If you ever see a picture of it growing wild here, the hippie in you will flip out. Think Christmas tree size only 3 times as big. Hemp production alone could produce an absurd amount of hydrocarbon, the seeds from it could be like grapes that squeeze out oil, literally. It would make a great green project. I'm shocked Iowa hasn't taken the lead in strides in this aspect. We're talking a combination petroleum and fiber industry infusion into the State. Because it's so vulnerable, they could tax hell out of it and pay some bills. They don't have to beg it in like Microsoft.

Comment Re:Morons (Score 4, Interesting) 457

This looks like as good of place as any to post this link to a really interesting post on Reddit. I normally don't link stuff, this one was kind of bone chilling and relevant.

For your reading pleasure:

Things that make me go "Hmmm...."

P.S. it's the highlighted post.

Comment Re:the military will shoot whoever it is told to (Score 1) 609

No reason? There was plenty of reason. These were malcontents, disorderly and disobedient peasants who needed to know their place. Examples had to be made, after all, we couldn't have an "American Spring" where "Occupy Wall Street" morphed into "Burn Wall Street." Peaceful protests are dangerous, what if those lemmings knew just how hard they are being fucked over, they would hang each and everyone of us in power. We can't have that now can we?

No no, it's much better that those vocal few and their entitled thinking of "freedom," real freedom, not the fake stuff we peddle them to keep them under control, are crushed under the jackboots of thugs, than our precious system that we have crafted to our liking be threatened. Not to mention they might hang us all if they really knew what we do in secret. That stuff ever getting out makes me really nervous. We had better get our lackeys at the NSA to keep track of any such uprisings in the future, especially with the "system" being threatened perhaps in Turkey. These elements might encourage our "elements" and we need to keep them under surveillance just in case we need to kill them off to head off any more trouble. We almost had to kill their leaders here before with our FBI snipers, but that would have inflamed things.

We'll be steps ahead of them this time. No reason indeed, pardon me while I and my cohorts laugh over our single malt scotch at that one.

Comment Re:Second amandment (Score 1) 609

"Don't worry citizen, your NYC Mayor, Dr Cocteau wants you to write about happy joy joy things and stop being a malcontent. Enhance your calm, user lightknight, or else you might be in violation of the verbal morality act."

Seriously, how can you be surprised of anything that Evil Mr Rodgers and his "private army" do these days. Bloomberg; setting the tone for and defining Fascism 2.0.

How does it feel New Yorkers to be afraid of your Mayor and his thugs? Does that feel like freedom? Have a large cup of soda pop and set in the shade and think about it. Oh, that's right, you can't. You can't buy a big soda pop there, and the fascist thugs posing as cops will roust you if you aren't the right color in the right place. Don't be loitering citizen, that park bench is not for setting on.

You see, this is how you do Fascism 2.0, all hail Bloomberg! The 1% cutting out the middleman and just running it himself. Hail, Bloomberg! One of his "boys" roughed up a "liberal idiot judge?" That's too bad for the judge isn't it? It will teach him to be out there with the common people, dressed like one of them, who does he think he is? Perhaps he will learn his place and appreciate it. Hail Bloomberg, our savior and pattern for all new Mayors and Presidents.

"For any of you foolish romantics who dream of yesteryear and pine for the day "revolution" dawns on America, keep on dreaming. You are far too emasculated for that kind of nonsense. We left just enough balls on you to procreate so we can have more servants and soldiers, but not enough for you to ever matter, or rise up against us. Collectively, you are all far too stupid and uneducated to know better. Your kind is always so easy to control, it's as if you were bred for it. Now run along and enjoy your diversions we let you have, and if you feel disgruntled, just watch the puppet show that you call "Government." It will lull you back into your sense of security and waste your time as we designed. Some of you will spend your whole lives thinking that this puppet show serves you. Oh how delightful to us!" -Puppet Masters.

Comment Another TSA reminder (Score 3, Interesting) 298

Another TSA reminder that the "terrorist won" or I should say the opportunistic fear mongering traitors and the bureaucracies, and traitorous policies they implemented won. Every time I'm reminded of these pseudo Nazi pricks stripping and frisking my 70 year old mother and fucking up her luggage as they rifled it while on one of their "show my ass because I have authority" power trips, I have to edit what I say lest I end up in Gitmo. Imagine that, being afraid to say what you really think in America.

Comment Re:s/Freedom/nothing/g (Score 1) 342

First about the "gain", someone will gain it, thus "they" will have "gain", it doesn't evaporate. It's probably copied into Christ knows how many databases as we speak. Your browsing history is another big fat bunch of data that gets collected as well. Every mouse click can and probably will be tracked. Data no matter how trivial you think it is, adds up.

Minority Report, watch it sometime and look at how they used iris scanning EVERYWHERE in it. They had moved even to a cashless society, you walk in, take what you want and it's deducted from your account automatically. That's shopping in the future. When they moved into public transit areas, more scanning, go into a store, scanned, iris scanners everywhere. Your every move cataloged and it was used through out the show to market to your "needs" or to track your ass down if they wanted you.

That was the whole deal about the protagonist getting new eyes in the movie, so that he could move about without being instantly nailed by an iris scanner.

When you RTFA (read the fucking article) you will see how this draws parallels to Minority Report. What a wonderful place to start indoctrinating the next generation on being submissive to such tracking methods, in a school. You want safer kids, hire a few more cops. If you want to advance an Orwellian nightmare, buy into this bullshit of "technology will save the day."

Like I said, there is gain, but I don't think we will like where it leads to.

Comment Re:s/Freedom/nothing/g (Score 1) 342

Of course there is gain, but I don't think we like where it is going. Take a look at the movie "Minority Report" and the daily mechanics of interaction with technology it portrayed. An iris scan was a fast biometric measure they could track every aspect of a person with, where they were, what they purchased, what interested them.

Think of how entities such as Amazon track our browsing of products and try to anticipate our needs, making suggestions for us. Think of this expanded to every aspect of life. Everything about you will end up in a file and that file will be accessible by whom? I have the presumption that we are all arriving late to the party on this subject. I suspect that vast amounts of data on us all have been farmed, done secretly and who has it and what they do with it would disturb us.

Comment Re:I have done no such thing (Score 1) 342

Your logic is erroneous, human equations aren't black and white, but mostly shades of grey. Force of arms is the only real and true power of our species. As much as any element wishes to rise above this, they will be forced back to it by other human elements. Only in it's complexity can such erroneous logic arise that there is an alternative. If you distill it down, you will find that in the end, it's by force of arms that all order and rules are established with any sustain.

The world is a small place these days and becoming smaller by the nanosecond.

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