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Comment Re:Two Slashdot stories and a PA comic = Epic Fail (Score 1) 576

Except that he works as PR for the company that makes the Avenger, and he just got canned HARD. They did the right thing and apologized, and now THEY're going to get lots of free publicity, which is cool, they actually deserve it. Meanwhile anybody who googles this guy's name is going to see a MESS and he shouldn't be able to work anywhere near PR in the next century.

Comment Re:Schadenfreude (Score 1) 576

Haha, Mike K from Penny Arcade even cast doubt as to whether he HAS a wife or child :P Not sure, so I guess I'll take him on the benefit of the doubt that there are death threats. That said, you're absolutely right, so far his MO has been lying and misinforming left and right to try to cover his own ass. I wouldn't be surprised to find that he only got spammed with some internet memes, and he called it death threats to get sympathy. Still, we don't know.

Comment Re:GoDaddy Reversal (Score 4, Informative) 197

Amazingly, there is a specific exemption for a few sites inside SOPA, of which GoDaddy is one. -__- The corruption knows no bounds.
godaddy supports sopa because of exemption Quote,

"Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO), the only member of Congress present at the hearing with any tech experience, having founded several web companies... Polis pointed out that SOPA and Smith’s amendment already excluded certain operators of sub-domains, such as, from being subject to shutdowns under SOPA. If companies like are exempt, why aren’t non-commercial domain servers exempt?” Polis asked."

Comment Re:Schadenfreude (Score 1) 576

Its cool. :) I was ambiguous.
Yeah, the harassment on the phone and email is going a little too far, especially crowdsourced to penny-arcade. He's such a huge jerk, and he doesn't seem at all to feel bad or even understand what he did wrong, so I'm a little okay with that; he's not being hurt, just constantly annoyed... but after 24 hours certainly that can get excessive. So, yeah.

But sadly the internet is a big place full of lots of people, and several seem to have gone too far, missed the point, and are being gigantic jerks themselves. Harassing his wife or child is obviously wrong, and threatening them is actually more criminal than anything Christoforo did himself.

Comment Re:It is a misunderstanding. (Score 2) 576

Its how they think of them certainly, but usually the have the professionalism (or the fear of being fired) enough to at least FEIGN interest in the customer while dealing with them. Its just after you finish the call or email, you turn around and tell your co-worker what an idiot that customer was. To tell the customer himself that he is an idiot, a customer who is not being belligerent or violent, is absolutely unacceptable, even in this crazy day and age of so little customer service and human decency.

Comment Schadenfreude (Score 5, Interesting) 576

Its great, because this guy is getting MASSIVELY screwed right now. I would feel bad for the guy, except that he's a gigantic asshole, and isn't even sincerely apologetic.

Even then though, I start to feel like maybe this all just got out of hand...

Then you read the part where Ocean Marketing's website was DIRECTLY PLAGIARIZED from websites like
Thats it, no more excuses. This man is A CON ARTIST. He has been running a SCAM. He has this coming 100%

Oh, the lulz.

Comment Re:Apple basically is the tablet market. (Score 1) 320

so your next argument about me being anti-Apple will also fall on its arse.

Please stop this sort of straw-man nonsense. Comments like these are filling up the forums with stupidity.
Never said anything of the sort, and wasn't going to. And you don't need to "help" my argument either, and you know that damn well, you're just trying to make me look bad with an obviously wrong argument. Logic 101, avoid fallacies.

Comment Re:Apple basically is the tablet market. (Score 1) 320

that doesn't make the iPad a better device than my netbook.

You're still missing the point. You can't compare apples and oranges and say one is objectively better than the other. It is your opinion, it is based on which features you value (extensiblility, freedom, control, power, cost). If you valued other features (touchscreen, very low weight, low size, controlled minimal OS so noobs can't screw it up) then you would think the iPad is better. I don't know why you're having so much trouble with this.

If people want tablets that's completely up to them

Yes, it is.

and I'm pleased for them that they're happy with something that doesn't work as well as a device that costs half as much.

Apparently you don't understand economics at all. Often times it is worth paying more to get additional features, even if those features are minuscule, if they are necessary to the function you need to use the tool for.

However if anyone asked me if it was worth buying an iPad I would give them the advantages and disadvantages of it over a netbook, recommend the netbook as being more useful to them and let them make their own mind up about it.

BINGO. Why it took you so long to get here I do not understand. After all the "I don't understand why anybody would want one of these" and "these aren't better than laptops period" and "you idiots are only buying iPads because you like the shiny apple" you've finally arrived at the right answer:

To each his own.

You're free to inform others of your perceived advantages / disadvantages. But you need to be willing to recognize that what is a disadvantage to you might actually be an advantage to somebody else.

Comment Re:Apple basically is the tablet market. (Score 1) 320

Everything you just said applies to laptops in the face of desktops. And again, I believe my point makes sense. An iPad is even more portable and lightweight than a laptop.

However don't try to tell me that a 400 quid iPad 2 is better than my 200 quid Aspire One because it most certainly isn't.

Once again, this is one-size-fits-all thinking. What about the mom that wants to carry around a computer, but doesn't want to actually CARRY around a computer, and an iPad fits in her purse where a laptop doesn't. Are you really that limited to your own experience?

Yes, for most power users like yourself you'd prefer a laptop over a tablet.

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