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Comment Re:Morally corrupt (Score 1) 351

Your link refutes your claim that Indians are racists. To win arguments, you must avoid presenting contrary evidence.

India is one of the places that I would like to visit. I can't think of any reason to go to Pakistan, unless I wanted to be tortured then killed by Muslim fanatics. Fix your own country before disparaging the people of India.

Comment not a Canadian, but... (Score 1) 474

It seems as though that list contains a lot of redundancy. How many groups, committees, organizations, agencies, bureaus, offices, institutes, networks, departments, centres, "teams", stations, and offices -- all doing essentially the same or similar work, most of them promoting a leftwing agenda -- does any country really need? and how many can the taxpayers afford?

The US government needs to do what the Canadian government is doing. Too bad it will most likely have to wait till 2017 for that to begin.

Comment Dem senator gave classified war plans to Saddam (Score 1) 162

When Senator Jay Rockefeller (Dem-WV) went to Syria in early 2002, and told Bashar Assad to pass along a warning to Saddam Hussein about US plans for regime change in Iraq, wasn't that giving aid and comfort to an enemy? And, since Rockefeller was a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence, and had highly classified knowledge about US war plans, the info he was passing along was not just idle conjecture.

Comment Re:Education??? You are being lied to. (Score 1) 405

You are correct, sir -- vouchers for every child, now, not in 10 or 20 years after another generation has been destroyed by the public school.

Keep the elected school boards, and give them the assignment of approving who can start schools and certifying that they are achieving objective goals. Home schoolers would get vouchers, too, which would help to reimburse them when one parent stays home; but that voucher might be smaller and the children would still have to pass certain annual tests. The parents could not just park them in front of a TV.

Comment a simple suggestion (Score 1) 374

I propose that the Daytona International Speedway set aside four weeks each year for fuel economy testing.

First, each tested vehicle should be driven 40 laps (100 miles) around the circuit at a constant 70 mph, using a very carefully measured quantity of fuel. That will produce the highway mileage rating.

Then, a course laid out in the infield, with sectors of different speeds, stop signs and stop lights, simulated passing zones, etc, would produce an urban cycle fuel economy rating.

The grandstands could be opened to the public, though the testing itself would probably be pretty boring. But at least it would be a transparent procedure and superior to the current problematic methodology.

Comment Re:Yeah Right (Score 1) 542

<quote>The republicans are a financially conservative party that wants to interfere with your personal life
The democrats are a financially conservative party that doesn't want to interfere with your personal life. America doesn't have a financially liberal party</quote>

Most Republicans do not care who you screw, or what label you give to your partner; but they think the traditional definition of marriage should be retained. This is exactly what Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and most congressional Democrats believed until about 12 or18 months or so.

Most Republicans believe that it is morally wrong to kill babies. If killing babies is part of your personal life, then I guess they do want to interfere in that respect.

Democrats are fiscally conservative? You means "Democrats" plural, as in there is more than one who thinks that way? Can you name two, or even one?

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