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Comment Re:So how hard are we gonna get screwed? (Score 2, Insightful) 102

There are so many things wrong with this.

We've already watched them destroy the Starcraft franchise with their heavy-handed tactics... Will the Diablo franchise get a similar treatment?

Have we? Starcraft... destroyed? I'm sorry, I must have missed that memo, I guess I was too busy enjoying a full-length (i.e., not ten measly missions) terran campaign and fun bnet custom games in the wildly succesful and definitely not destroyed starcraft 2.

I, for one, will be waiting to see if D3 has LAN play, and whether or not cheating in the single player game gets you banned from playing single-player, and whether the price will be anywhere near reasonable. To be honest, with all the crap they pulled with SC2, I'm not willing to put out more than about US$20 for any product with the Blizzard name on it at this point. I'm sure not going to spend $60 (multiple times, no less) to support these shenanigans.

First off, what is the big deal about lan play?! Look, I can understand way back in the day when people were still playing on 28.8 modems and aol, but for chrissake, this is 2010! Who is forking over $60 for games that can't afford a damned internet connection with a router? Let's be real here people, it's not that serious! Secondly, way to invalidate your entire standpoint. More than $20? So much for hard and fast morals. And third, cheating in single player... the dude downloaded a TRAINER. Those things that made diablo 1 multiplayer UNPLAYABLE. Yeah, remember how every pretty much every blizzard rts has cheats built in? I'm sure a large percentage of people on /. knows what power overwhelming and black sheep wall mean. Not to mention the fact that the entire basis of that story was the guy saying, "oh, I only used it in singleplayer, honest!" Bullsh**.

I'd like to point out...

So in other words, you own every blizzard game, multiple times. Congratulations. Hey buddy, guess what? Those games? you know the ones that are ten years old? YOU CAN STILL PLAY THOSE ON BNET. Which is, oh my, run by Blizzard. Huh, what's that you say?

In 10 years, will we still be able to play SC2 or D3...?

YES!! Because of all the game makers out there, blizzard has a phenomenal record for supporting their old titles WELL past most other companies. Are you kidding me? They released patches for diablo 2 several YEARS ago.... PATCHES... moving on.

Where will all our max-level toons be, when Blizzard gets tired of hosting 15 million players?

In the exact place that the eula which you agree to after every patch says they will be. Hey, I'm not blizzard's biggest fan (can't you tell?), I do have some qualms with some of the things they have done, but first and foremost I'm a realist. All this b.s. people spout about blizzard's hitler this, and blizzard's big brother that.... it's silly. Of all the game developers out there, I stand by the fact that blizzard has delivered extremely fun, extremely polished experiences time and again, and I can say without hesitation that I have wiled away more hours playing blizzard titles than any other developer and with good reason. That's not hearsay, that's fact. END NERD RAGE

Comment Re:Mac vs. PC (Score 1) 453

"PC" is far too ingrained into the vernacular to be changed at this point (thanks in part to a certain once-clever ad campaign) but that doesn't mean that more clarity can be added.

If "PC" means personal computer, then we need to add "NPC"--non-personal computer. So with "PCs" and "NPCs" all we need is to differentiate between subordinate and administrative machines, and since PCs are obviously controlled by people, then administrative machines shall be controlled by Digital Masters, or "DMs". "PC", "NPC", and "DM". Is that simple enough for you?

Comment Re:It's (Score 1) 296

42 is "The Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything", FOR FUCKS SAKE.


What is a question without an answer? Does it have true meaning? If you ask me, the answer gives the question meaning. If we go under that assumption, then the ultimate answer to the ultimate question can only give the question ultimate meaning.

Therefore, if 42 is the Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, as you have posited, then logically 42 is the Ultimate Meaning of Life. AND the Universe, AND everything. So there.

Comment Comix Zone (Score 1) 364

Many games from the genesis had really excellent music, but I think one of the best is the classic Comix Zone. It had a distorted, grungy feel, apt for the time it came out. Also, Altered Beast had a sick synth driven horror fantasy soundtrack. Oh and also Streets of Rage 3 with its alienated disillusioned techno. So many. An "I'm Feeling Lucky" google search for video game music will reveal the be-all end-all of this conversation.

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