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Comment Re:So.... (Score -1) 348

The main question was, if you don't like Windows, and you think it is overprices and garbage and piece of crap and and .... why do you use it anyway??? also we are living in a free market, windows is not the only product in the market, if you think it is over priced, you can either go with a free Linux distro or buy a Mac, and then talk about over pricing hardware & software that basically does nothing

Comment Re:So.... (Score -1, Troll) 348

No it is not different, you are violating a license and violating the law, if everybody is free to choose which law to follow and which to not follow, so find somebody can say "I don't think rape is a crime, so I will rape whenever I like". PERIOD It doesn't matter how much you repeat it to yourself that pirating software is different than stealing, it will still be stealing and violating a license.

Comment Re:So.... (Score 0) 348

So you say that the book author or the artist did a better job that he deserves to be paid for, while Microsoft somehow could make a software that happens to be good enough to make gaming possible, and a whole market of gaming and entertainment evolved because of this, but still they don't deserve to be paid, and the reason is because they make so much money, SWEET

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