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Journal Journal: Comcast is screwing up the Olympics 5

So I've got the ReplayTV and it's typically set to record anywhere from about 12 to 17 hours of Olympics/day. These olympics are on NBC, USA and BRAVO.

Apparently Comcast thinks that even though they are listing that they'll be showing Olympics on BRAVO that no one will mind if they just take over the channel to let me know for THREE FREAKING HOURS that I can watch 50 First Dates, Scary Movie 3 and a bunch of other crap on Pay-per-view. Sometimes it's not even that.

XBox (Games)

Journal Journal: Fun with Rainbow Six 3 on the Xbox 2

So I picked up Rainbow Six 3 the other day for Xbox. All the Tom Clancy branded games have been getting great reviews and I love Splinter Cell 1 & 2 and Ghost Recon so it seemed logical. After this I still need to get Ghost Recon: Island Thunder and Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow, but I'll wait on those until they're cheaper. That's the main reason I got RB63 the other day... On sale for $20.


Journal Journal: Ebay followup and conclusion 4

So the story has a happy ending now anyway. I sent the movie back last week and put delivery confirmation on it so the seller couldn't claim he never got it. Fortunately he let me know he got it even before I knew he had from the tracking number. He said he'd credit my account with the refund.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ebay Update 2

I finally heard back from the guy I got the fake DVD from. He gave me an address to send it to. I sent it with delivery confirmation, so hopefully that will help in getting my money back. I haven't left feedback on him at all yet. I guess it will depend on how he responds when he gets the movie back.


Journal Journal: Ebay question 17

Wow, two in a day.

Anyway, I have an ebay question. I've recently (finally) opened an ebay account and have tried the buying and the selling thing. I've attempted to sell 3 things so far and was able to sell one of them. I've also successfully won three auctions.

I got a pair of sunglasses that are excellent considering I only paid $.99 + shipping, an adapter for the xbox controllers to plug into the computer and a pokemon DVD (for my wife).


Journal Journal: I have seen the gmail, and it is good 6

I've finally got my gmail account, thanks to neverkevin. So far, I've received three emails. Well, two considering the first one was from gmail about gmail and was there when I signed up.

Labels sound interesting as do conversation threads. So far I have not received enough email to really use either yet, but I'm suspecting they will rock.

User Journal

Journal Journal: My latest Indian food adventure 5

Let me start by saying I like a lot of different kinds of food, but most kinds of food don't like me. I like Mexican food. It tries to kick my butt from the inside out. The Indian food I've had previously was pretty good, but it doesn't like being inside me for very long. There's a lot of foods like that so I usually find something that my body doesn't have any problem with and stick to that for the most part. So about the only time I eat Indian food is with my team at work.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: An open letter to my daughter 17

Warning: This JE is likely to contain the words and descriptions of "poo", "poop", and other derivatives many times. If these words offend you or gross you out, I recommend not reading any further.

Dear Joey,

I understand being a baby is rough. Everything is new, stuff is changing all the time, especially you, and it is hard to get used to all the rules.


Journal Journal: And the winner is... 12

Josephine Sarah was born 2/3/4 at 4:55 weighing 7lb 4oz and being 19 1/2" long. She's got dark curly hair and she's a really strong kicker and she's beautiful. So I guess subgeek was the closest in the last JE.

Goodnight :)

The 2000 Beanies

Journal Journal: The pool is open 8

So the time is any time. The gender is still undetermined.

In fact I don't know if anyone reads this thing, but I have noticed that several people with journals I read have marked me as friend so maybe some people read?

Anyway, feel free to guess. Here's the relevant info:

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