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Comment Re:Seriously, guys... (Score 1) 348

And don't get me started on the Aussies, who would probably say some crap like ...

I don't think anyone here would say anything like that here. It doesn't make sense to contract April Fools in any way. And now to go completely off topic onto underpants.

Someone will know what you mean if you said underpants or underwear in Australia but pants would be what it is the USA. More likely we'd call underpants undies (pronounced like dundee (without the d but with a trailing s as in that really bad movie with Crocodile in the title)). Women however can wear panties as well as undies. Of course, if they're white undies depending on your age you might call them bog catchas (named for the brown streak that can sometimes be seen).

As a general rule we're more likely to contract a word (sometimes) and stick an o or some kind of e ending on it (sometimes even an a). Examples like arvo (afternoon), undies (underwear/underpants) and sanga (sandwitch).

Comment Re:Sesame Street & the Importance of Bilingual (Score 1) 1077

I think you meant Frisian not Finnish. English is a Germanic language whose most direct influence was Frisian, since then it's absorbed a lot of other influences. Finnish has completely different origins further back in history.

For a good read about the history of English try to find "The Adventure of English" by Melvyn Bragg (ISBN 0-340-82991-5). It's a surprising interesting and informative book. It's also been turned into a television series for those who are reading challenged (the book is more in depth). It also covers the many dialects of English now in use (including American, Australian, Singlish and others).

Comment Re:I don't see how a PS3 price cut is "long overdu (Score 1) 232

It's not the number of console's that important in terms of saying who is winning, it's the attach rate that determines profitability (especially for 3rd party games developers) as that's where the money is made. The higher the attach rate the more you can afford to make a loss on the console and make it up in income from software sales.

There's an article here from last year with attach rates listed: http://playstation.joystiq.com/2008/04/25/npd-releases-home-console-attach-rate-ratios-ps3-not-so-hot/

The 360 has a significantly higher attach rate. I'll let you do the math to work out the number of games sold

Unfortunately I do believe attach rates include bundled games.

Comment Re:Not according to Kaz Hirai (Score 1) 232

His statement isn't necessarily true or false (and might be both). Your assertions are however misleading.

Performance has shades of grey and can be subjective. The cell processor is potentially must faster (note the potentially) if the SPEs are used to good effect. With 3 symmetric cores on the 360 vs the cell processors single full core if someone doesn't put in the extra effort (for a smaller market) the PS3 version of a game will lag behind the 360 version.

Performance isn't always about the speed of the bare metal it's also about what you do with it. There are games where the PS3 version is well optimised and performs better (especially in first party titles) however there a lots of games where the opposite is true.

It's disingenuous to say that a first party PS3 title can't run well on an 360, it's a first party title so it will never be available on a 360. You can't make comparisons by hand waving and saying something isn't fast enough to handle something when it's never going to be available on that platform. Next you know we'll have someone saying that the PS3 isn't good enough to run Halo 3 (never mind the fact that it can't run it as it's never going to be available for it).

Disclaimer: I own both consoles - I do prefer the 360 gameplay over the PS3 however.

Comment Re:Slashdot, then and now (Score 1) 78

This is a massive cultural shift.

Exactly, this whole issue probably should have stopped being a legal issue a fair while ago. It should now be a social issue.

I have no idea what should be done but rightly or wrongly when a sizable percentage of the population of a country is engaged in something that is (most likely) illegal it becomes a social issue. Prohibition doesn't work unless most of society accepts it.

In all likelyhood there will have to be reform of the way copyrights are licensed so it's possible to have blanket licensing without the myriad of bodies responsible for collecting fees for different things in different countries. This isn't a situation where the market can solve things as there is no competition allowed when it comes to copyright (excluding things like CC licensing).

I don't think copyright owners, collection societies etc want this seen as a social issue however as that means government intervention and actions being taken they won't have too much say in.


Company Makes Paper Out Of Wombat Poo 71

Creative Paper attracted worldwide interest for its paper made of kangaroo droppings in 2005. Well it's been four years and the best and brightest at Creative Paper haven't been sitting on their laurels. What's their great new idea? They have now launched a kind of paper made from wombat poo. Scat-obsessed Darren Simpson from Creative Paper says the paper is green or gold depending on the time of year the droppings are harvested. The wombat paper will be unveiled at an international paper conference in Burnie, Australia later this month.

Comment Re:Lost Sales Downloads (Score 1) 398

The RIAA need to stop wasting limited court resources on these frivolous lawsuits, and embrace the power of the internet to make sure their artists' concerts are filled, at $200+ per ticket. After all, you'll only fork out that much for a concert ticket if you have HEARD the music and actually LIKE it.

There's one ever so small problem there. In most cases the record companies are not engaged in 360 degree deals that get them part of the artist ticket sales (as much as they're trying to do that these days). If you're already a large artist - why would you?. The companies that make up the RIAA (and others) want to maximise their part of the pie, not give their part away so someone else can make all the money.

Having said that I haven't much sympathy for their situation either.


Submission + - vi vs emacs flamewar

burgundysizzle writes: After reading the latest poll, Wyatt Earp (with a uid of 1029) asked why there hadn't been a vi vs emacs flamewar recently. I thought that the idea deserved it's own article. So explain why vi is better than emacs and flame everyone who disagrees with you. You could attempt to justify the reverse position, but that's a position that cannot be defended. For those insensitive clods out that that don't know anything about either vi or the inferior emacs you should learn how to use ed.

What would be a general consensus on having a weekly regular special flame war article for some general mayhem?

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