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Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 209

I finished it the day after I got it. Silmarillion IS a difficult read, but the description of the battles and the engagement with the reader within them is far superior to any of Tolkien's other works. I only got bored with all the God stuff, regarding the Creation etc. But it's all useful stuff when trying to put the tales into perspective.

Humans Evolving 100 Times Faster Than Ever 584

John Hawks writes "A new genomics study in PNAS shows that humans have been evolving new adaptive genes during the past 10,000 years much faster than ever before. The study says that evolution has sped up because of population growth, making people adapt faster to new diseases, new diets, and social changes like cities. Oh, and I'm the lead author. I've been reading Slashdot for a long time, and let me just say that our study doesn't necessarily apply to trolls."

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