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Comment Re:Virtualization is kind of bullshit (Score 1) 201

-config files and adhoc installed libraries are impossible to link to the application that actually needs it (given the fact that my time is scarce). Nightmare when upgrading, creating new instances or when pulling apart a system (for e.g. performance/HA).


-if an application uses resources, e.g. I/O, too much you want to know about it, point fingers and restrict its usage (and maybe give it its own). Nightmare when you want to find out 'what causes it to grind to a halt during Xmas'.

iotop. A VM only makes this problem harder.

-applications has 'resources' they should not have, because another application needed that 'resources'. Example: Qmail needed compiler and afterwards a cracked PHPMyadmin used that to compile malware.

chroot with linux-vserver enforcement.

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