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Comment Re: Because it sucks (Score 3, Interesting) 210

No shit. I was okay with using G+ and really thought it had some great features and potential until Google started getting all fucking dark overlordish about using real names. That was when I drifted away from using it.

But as you mentioned, that bullshit about youtube commenting was insanely stupid. As was their decision to disallow commenting on Google Play without a vaild G+ account.

All that real name/closed environment bullshit was thought up by one very, very insecure person who had little experience (as compared to us older computer users) who did use GEnie, CompuServe, and Delphi for our first internet access and who also used dial-up BBSs back when a modem was an acoustic device you clamped onto a phone's handset.

Fucking google.... Still in mid-air during this shark jump.

Comment Yet another Heinlein story turned into dreck. (Score 1) 254

When the political and social commentary is written out of film adaptations, it leaves only some common characters and the story title. The rest is garbage.

Don't expect any hollywood studio to ever produce an actual Heinlein film. It's not going to happen. You'll just have to settle for filmed drivel sharing a title with a good book.

Comment Re:This looks like pre-paid corruption. (Score 1) 141

So, exactly how does being a politician confer one with the power to ignore laws? Politicians are not pawns. They are either honest or not. America is unfortunately lacking in the honest variety.

As for campaign money, if you think the EU is any more honest, then you really are in a fantasy. I'm sorry I can't share.

Comment Re:This looks like pre-paid corruption. (Score 1) 141

LOL, you're so youthful and hopeful. I, on the other hand, am old.

I've been hearing campaign reform crap for over 50 years. Nothing has changed. If you think it will, then that's cool, too.

I have some wonderfully cheap and extremely fertile bottomland I can give you cheap. Only $3.50 per acre. It's about 400 miles east of Norfolk. Unhappily, I only sell have 750,000 acres left. Better buy in quick or you'll really lose out on this one!

Comment This looks like pre-paid corruption. (Score 2) 141

Time to start putting those politicians into a landfill. When a politician decides to bend over in return for campaign money, they need to be placed into a landfill. Even if there's no special election to replace them, their constituency would be better off having a vacant seat than a legislator who has already sold them out.

Hold them accountable.

Comment Re:But but but (Score 2) 330

Sure. Just move SoCal to Wisconsin.

SoCal is a scub/desert/swamp. That's just the way it is. Pouring water on a desert to make it anything else is the same as pouring sand on a beach to combat erosion. It looks good for a season, but nature prevails next year. You ultimately end up with exactly what nature put there to begin with.

It's all hype. This is not a "problem," it's called geography. You can't "correct" SoCal's location and geography with any technology now extant.

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