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Comment Re:Visual Studio (Score 1) 254

yeah, the oogling is obviously a troll. I was more commenting on some of the other things.

As for it being a ported Windows stack - I don't care too much about that, as long as it's done in an efficient manner (and I have to give hats off to the Mono team on that one). If it runs, and runs well on Windows, FreeBSD, Linux and Mac, that's all I care about.

Comment Re:Eclipse (Score 1) 254

Umm... You can do that in Visual Studio also.

My suspicion is it's something slightly more integrated, like you can see with a CLI interpereter in Python or Lisp. Particularly the latter, where you just code, and when you are done, you have have it save the most recent version of ever function into a file.

Comment Re:Visual Studio (Score 1) 254

Heh. That is most certainly not the product most people would go for. And honestly, I'd just as soon go with Professional or Express & use Mercurial to make up the difference.

Ultimate has features you only need if you are in a huge corporation/project setting

A more normal user might go for this ($500)

Which, I admit, is a bit high for most, but if you don't need a lot of the code sharing or installer building tools, (and why should you, there's Mercurial for the former, and the latter isn't so hard to roll your own), you can always go for the Express edition, which is free/

Comment Re:Visual Studio (Score 3, Insightful) 254

You must have closed your eyes and plugged your ears at the shotgun. I admit it was pretty gruesome. However, after wards they brought out the chainsaw, boiling acid and a couple of fighter jets for good measure... It was horrible.

The sad thing is... They already did that once before to get to the UI that was in 2010... The UI does seem to be getting worse and worse... Just like with their OS and Office products (and it seems, many others to a lesser degree).

Comment Re:Eclipse (Score 1) 254

OK, in Eclipse, how do I code & run at the same time.

I can alter things in the debugger and push them back to the live application, but I can do that in VS too. This is reading more like Python/Lisp, where you can edit as you run, and (as with some of their IDEs) the code gets saved to source files for later use.

Comment Re:Greenspun's Tenth Rule (Score 1) 254

I'm thinking more like the Python interpereter, but with your code being stored in your source files automatically. You can then open the files and add breakpoints as you like. If a function isn't defined, it'll request you build it on call.

Note: for particularly lazy programmers, this could add more issues, especially with functions that are only called on rare cases.

It'll be a nice feature I'm sure. I just think the suggestion of the TFS, as if it is something revolutionary... is a few decades out of date.

Comment Re:Visual Studio (Score 2) 254

OK. I've yet to find a better overall environment (though Eclipse + Java beats VS in some aspects of debugging, neither seems better at every aspect). However, I don't see the point of your post. In reality "care" would have been implementing this YEARS ago. I mean, I've used Python for a long time, and all I can think is "I have this in Python. WTF is novel or research about this? Just %$#@ing do it.

Comment Re:Talk about forgetting your password! (Score 3, Interesting) 104

Since when is "works correctly 99% of the time" good enough for an authentication system?

And how often do you mistype your password? I doubt many get their password right even 90% of the time unless they have rather bad passwords.

Also, there's false positive vs. false negative. False negatives aren't so bad (especially at 1%, when retries are possible). False positives are what are really of concern.

Comment Re:Walk by lockouts (Score 4, Funny) 104

I'm more worried about them realizing I'm not human, from my brain waves. I don't want to go back to my homeworld! Also, how much testing did they do to ensure there aren't issues with emotional state or distraction? If I had a family even and was stuck listening to Beyonce or Katy Perry thanks to my sister's atrocious taste in "music"... Is having that crap stuck in my head going to prevent a login?

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