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Comment Their problem, not yours. (Score 1) 266

Just about everything in art rots and falls apart. From festering underpants on Traci Emins bed, to newspaper cuttings stuck on Picasso montages. If what you have made is of value, they will be forced to think of a way of slowing that rot.
You could make art out of rock; it could end up as landfill if it is crap enough.
You best bet at longevity is quality.

Comment Re:OMG, freedom. (Score 1) 340

Well yes and no. For some matters the Law Lords are the highest court in the land (This would be similar to the American Supreme Court) (The Law lords do not make law, but interoperate it) on others the European union is the highest, and should you wish to take an issue further (not higher) you could.
It is worth noting that on such matters where Europe makes the law, it is only by act of UK parliament, and can be removed by that parliament... and future parliament are not bound by and may remove themselves should they wish.
Just because a parliament gives the power to make law to another body, it is not necessarily a loss of sovereignty. For example, many parliament will let an unelected body of experts draught law on matters such as technical safety and flight.

anyone can make my law... and i see no issue of sovereign power. but when they control the money in my pocket (The Euro) then the throne of power really has moved to a different place.

Comment Re:UK Law vs US Law (Score 1) 278

I have tried to have no bias in my comment, but if you detect it... I am English if they help contextualise it.

1. That the law was broken in the UK, and US should bring the complaint to the British authorities. If they do not find the resolve they wish through authorities than, and only then should they invoke any extradition agreement.

2. That is Britain or any country does not like the terms of an agreement, then they should have not entered into it. If (as in this case) there is a massive disparity in the in the guilty term, then we (The English) should have pushed for a clues cover what the British define as cruel or unusual or extreme... such as the death penalty, or 60 years.

3. All both UK and USA have a sense of honour and pride that has been damaged in this... Embarrassment on the part of the USA that needs to make out that some who tried the password '12345' (or whatever) is crafty hacker (The reality was a craft-less system). The UK that needs to show it's not America's bitch. Both have something to gain in dragging this out for a bit.

4. I have no doubt that the American court will recognise such things as 'compulsive behaviour', reduced responsibility. I think that American court has to recognise circumstantial evidence, and other evidence from a partner as being a fundamental part of any extradition agreement. I personally would like to Americans better manage that.

5. I find it hard to understand why we see 'stupidity' as mitigating on the part of the Hacker and damning on the part of the dipshits that set up a swiss-cheese of a system for the Americans. Sure I believe that the hacker broke the law and should get a fine (that is balanced to personal circumstance), and maybe a few months time and record. But he was not responsible for the security of system, and not negligent of that system, (and he did not damage the system, but i reconise the endless damage to organisations assurance and dependence on it) and it is my opinion the negligent party (who has not broken law, but a contract to supply a 'secure' system) who is most responsible for the cost (in terms of embarrassment) and the cost of audit, and the cost of locking an open door.

Comment Re:God Bless Him (Score 1) 600

Alexandria is proof that these old medias need a redundancy system as much as the new.

I think all who love knowledge will understand that the internet (amongst other things) is supplemental to the library, just as the library is supplemental to the memory of a society.

(I mean 'supplemental' in a fashion that is distinct from 'additional' or 'replacement' )
The prince is supplemental to the king... not additional:
'The king is dead, long live the king'.

I love the internet because I can see can see that they are, in every human sense of it's meaning, is a continuation and improvement of the same thing.

Comment Re:Finally... (Score 2, Insightful) 505

Saying that Linux is safer is like say that wearing a 'Dragon's Karate Dojo' T-shirt makes your safer. It's not the T-shirt... it's the practice of the owner that makes him safer.

There might be some rub-off safety for those that wear the T-shirt, but don't do the karate.

If everyone who didn't do karate thought they were safer wearing this T-shirt, it would become convenient for muggers to attack them.

Comment Re:HOLY FUCK (Score 1) 567

Just some random thought's on the matter that are barely strung together.

It is a strange problem when people clearly want to buy new technology, but they don't want new software on it.

I had this 12 year old car, it had a lot of problems... but I knew how to deal with every problem that came up, and and i just never could get used to the idea of changing it for a car that was 6 years old. It may have half the problems... but if they were unfamiliar they they take forever to fix.

Getting rid of the car would mean getting rid of the useful knowledge that I had.

I think that MS are making a mistake in the way that they are continuing to monetise their software. the everyday the os and office is as essential as the office chair. Essential, but by no means should it cost £500, and yet more to upgrade down the line.

If I were in an the boardroom at MS I would be trying to think or way of keeping the gravy train running for as long as i can.

In the end, the computers you do business on will be like the portable radios that buy on holiday and you don't care when you drop it in the pool.

In my neck of the woods... the next battle will be lost for MS when when Google Docs word processor gets an outline mode.

Comment Re:Look that gift horse in the mouth, Jammie (Score 1) 316

if by 'most' you mean all the indie music played on TV and radio and in record shops.
This has more to do with publicists that push on to the airwaves rather than the meaning of 'most'

Let me assure that (IMO) there is some is mighty fine alternative music out there that has no Major Label affiliation...


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