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Comment Re:Maybe its time for a new 35mm film? (Score 1) 262

This might be impossible, but film has a number of things over even the best digital cameras. From color gradients (256 levels of RGB versus infinite), to the fact that it is quite difficult to doctor film without that being detected (at least easier than firing up Photoshop.)

Well, to be fair, film also has its limitations with the levels it can store. It's not exactly an even comparison, but it has a measure called film density which (if memory serves me) is a logarithm of the ratio of the amount of silver exposed in the most developed areas, to the amount of silver exposed in the least developed areas. This measure is around 2.8 for negatives and 3.2 for slides, and each step of 0.1 means an extra 1/3 of a stop of available range. As a change of 1 stop means a doubling of range, corresponding roughly to one bit of dynamic range, this gives equivalent bit depths between about 9 and 11. But like I said, it's not an even comparison... but it's not anywhere near infinite either.

Also, most digital cameras nowadays have ADCs that quantize to somewhere between 10 and 16 bits, not 8.

Comment Re:Blood (Score 1) 274

It might be possible to run Blood in a source port of the BUILD engine. I know that Duke Nukem 3D can be run this way (and indeed my friend ran the version on his Powerbook this way), but I don't know how well it works for the other BUILD-based games like Duke3D and Shadow Warrior.

Comment Re:A whole new level of parallelism (Score 3, Informative) 137

I am one such programmer. Yet I also coded for an Nvidia Tesla C1060 board and found it much more straightforward to handle several thousand threads at once.

Not all types of threads are created equal. I usually explain CUDA to people as the "Zerg Rush" model of computing - instead of a couple, well-behaved, intelligent threads that try to be polite to each other and clean up their own messes, you throw a horde of a thousand little vicious, stupid threads at the problem all at once, and rely on some overlord to keep them in line.

Most of the guides explained it as, "Flops are free, bandwidth is expensive." This board had a 384 or 512-bit wide memory bus with a very high latency, and the reason you throw that many threads at it is to let the hardware cover up the latency - it can merge a huge number of memory reads/writes into one operation, and as soon as a thread is waiting on memory I/O it can swap another thread into that same SP and let it compute. If memory serves me, the board was divided into blocks of 8 scalar processors (each block had some scratchpad memory that could be accessed almost as fast as a register) and you wrote groups of 16 threads which ran in lock-step on that processor (no recursion was allowed, and if one branched, the others would just wait around until it reached the same point) in two rounds.

Sure, that's a bit complex to optimize for, but it beats the hell out of conventional threading while trying to optimize for x86 SIMD. And if you manage to write it so it runs well on CUDA, it generally will scale effortlessly to whatever card you throw it at.

It's looking like OpenCL won't be much different, but I have yet to try it. I'm kind of eager, since apparently AMD/ATI's current cards, for the money, have a bit more raw power than Nvidia's.

Comment Re:Stunts ( 4D Sports Driving) (Score 1) 117

Stunts is one of my favorite games too. I remember seeing my brother play it first on our 386, and then I finally found it something like a decade later from an abandonware site. The track editor makes for a lot of replay value. Sure, it's still grid-based and sometimes it's picky, but it is still remarkably versatile.

For being able to run on something that slow, the engine was quite respectable - it was true 3D, wasn't it? Even if everything was very low polygon count...

The physics in Stunts also has some amusing issues. If you hit a building just right, your car flies straight up in the air to a ridiculous height before falling down again. I think it's also possible to make your car spontaneously explode if you enter a long tube and turn suddenly so your car moves in a circle.

Comment Re:It is NOT a fourth basic component (Score 5, Informative) 86

i = current
q = charge
V = voltage
phi = magnetic flux

dq = i dt (current)
dphi = V dt (voltage)
dV = r di (resistance)
dq = C dv (capacitance)
dphi = L di (inductance)
It was hypothesized that some device should exist that connects charge and flux, and follows the relationship: dphi = M dq. This is "memristance." It was predicted in 1971 as the "fourth basic circuit element"; see:
They were fundamentally theoretically new then. They just had not been physically realized and connected with that theory until recently.
Please don't dismiss them as "pure marketing hype" without some research.

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