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Submission + - James Gosling, Java Creator designs a Cloud Platfo (

JavaGenosse writes: Dr. James Gosling will be a part of discussion featuring top PaaS players Microsoft, IBM, and CumuLogic will look at the dramatic changes PaaS had undergone in recent months. Discussions will include a focus on multi-language support, multi-cloud deployment capabilities and common developer services as well as delving into the transformation of platform services from one of the greatest sources of cloud lock-in to one of the most open and flexible approaches to leveraging infrastructure services.

Comment The fundamental model for writing applications (Score 1) 2

This is what articles says: The fundamental model for writing applications has not changed in 40 years. The core model is: 1) A library of useful APIs. 2) A programming language for writing applications that compose an application from the APIs and add some additional functions. There have been some changes: 1) Higher layer abstractions like BPEL or RDBMs queries. 2) More flexible “linking,” e.g. Web services. 3) Improved languages and frameworks, e.g. Spring. Unfortunately, evolving the basic programming model will not work for cloud computing.

Comment Re: placing data centers in proximity to trans-oce (Score 1) 219

Well this is good point, but this way you can negate anything :)
What I was thinking about is that water could be broken into hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis—a photoelectrochemical cell (PEC) process which is also named artificial photosynthesis. Research aimed toward developing higher-efficiency multijunction cell technology is underway by the photovoltaic industry.
Here's process description from public source:
Electrolysis of water
Hydrogen can be made via high pressure electrolysis or low pressure electrolysis of water. In current market conditions, the 50 kWh of electricity consumed to manufacture one kilogram of compressed hydrogen is roughly as valuable as the hydrogen produced, assuming 8 cents/kWh. The price equivalence, despite the inefficiencies of electrical production and electrolysis, is due to the efficiency of direct conversion of fossil fuels to produce hydrogen, rather than burning fuel to produce electricity. However, this is of no help to a hydrogen economy, which must derive hydrogen from sources other than the fossil fuels it is intended to replace.
Here's a working storage
High-pressure electrolysis
High pressure electrolysis is the electrolysis of water by decomposition of water (H2O) into oxygen (O2) and hydrogen gas (H2) by means of an electric current being passed through the water. The difference with a standard electrolyzer is the compressed hydrogen output around 120-200 Bar (1740-2900 psi). By pressurising the hydrogen in the electrolyser the need for an external hydrogen compressor is eliminated, the average energy consumption for internal compression is around 3%.

Comment placing data centers in proximity to trans-ocean (Score 1) 219

I've come to an idea of placing data centers in proximity to trans-ocean cable landings on ocean floor. Crazy, huh ? :)
It might be started at the border of neutral waters, around 5-10 km from shoreline and later expanded along major submarine cable systems.
Perhaps, initially it might be non-maintainable sealed containers with racks, powered by either
a) elements using natural forces like waves or streams
b) galvanic elements
c) hydrogen (there's definitely no lack of water)
and cooled by external medium (also water).
I'm planning to present this approach at UP 2010 Conference in November 2010, so stay tuned. :)

Submission + - What is Cloud Computing ? (

JavaGenosse writes: "Pretty cool discussion on what is Cloud Computing, its place in changing future of IT and how different IT professionals understand it. It goes beyond wikipedia definitions and popular magazines articles, providing pretty unusual viewpoints and lots of insights."

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