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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 2 declined, 0 accepted (2 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - How to detect a bot infection 1

uganson writes: Following on the recent discussion on How To Avoid the Infection of Botnet?, I ask my fellow Slashdotters, what are the common sense and usual general measures to detect bot infections? I mean, not having any particular suspicion of being infected, what are the symptoms of infection to look for, or being aware of?

When not looking for any particular instance of bot, are sophisticated bots able to remain stealth enough, that even a tech savvy user would remain unaware of an infection?

I'm looking in particular for measures that a user can apply in its home computer/network, or laptop. I guess business networks would implement more elaborated intrusion detection systems that are usually off reach for a home user.

General housekeeping measures I use include: Up to date antivirus (of course), periodic system scans with anti malware detectors, checking bandwith usage graphs on the firewall, look for strange process names.

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