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Submission + - SPAM: 5 cool cloud computing research projects

alphadogg writes: Next week's HotCloud conference on cloud computing in San Diego will boast a slew of fresh research into this hottest of IT topics. Here's a glimpse at the work to be showcased at the event, including a project dubbed Nebulas that would look to aggregate cloud computing resources from volunteers, along the lines of SETI@home, and another that looks to exploit the proximity of separate cloud computing apps to create entirely new mashup Web services.
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Submission + - The Ultimate Lock Picker (

TheUnFounded writes: "Marc Weber Tobias can pick, crack, or bump any lock. Now he wants to teach the world how to break into military facilities and corporate headquarters. But Tobias isn't crazy. Far from it. He's a professional lock breaker, a man obsessively--perhaps compulsively--dedicated to cracking physical security systems. He doesn't play games, he rarely sees movies, he doesn't attend to plants or pets or, currently, a girlfriend. Tobias hacks locks. Then he teaches the public how to hack them, too."
Wireless Networking

Submission + - Solar Powered Bus Shelter Unveiled in San Francisc (

Mike writes: "San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom recently unveiled the first of 1,100 solar powered bus shelters that will be installed throughout the city between now and 2013. Crowned with a rolling red crest of photovoltaic panels, the shelters will use the sun's rays to power their intercom, LED lighting, and even a wireless router that will help blanket the city with WiFi goodness, with all excess energy being fed back into the city's electrical grid."

Web Analytics Databases Get Even Larger 62

CurtMonash writes "Web analytics databases are getting even larger. eBay now has a 6 1/2 petabyte warehouse running on Greenplum — user data — to go with its more established 2 1/2 petabyte Teradata system. Between the two databases, the metrics are enormous — 17 trillion rows, 150 billion new rows per day, millions of queries per day, and so on. Meanwhile, Facebook has 2 1/2 petabytes managed by Hadoop, not running on a conventional DBMS at all, Yahoo has over a petabyte (on a homegrown system), and Fox/MySpace has two different multi-hundred terabyte systems (Greenplum and Aster Data nCluster). eBay and Fox are the two Greenplum customers I wrote in about last August, when they both seemed to be headed to the petabyte range in a hurry. These are basically all web log/clickstream databases, except that network event data is even more voluminous than the pure clickstream stuff."

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