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Comment Re: So tell us (Score 1) 74

Probably because nature's goal isn't a trivial experiment and there are many other factors we don't understand because we haven't had millions of years to try out the other DNA form in actual living organisms.

It probably has been tried in single celled organisms many millions of times, and there is probably a very good reason why it didn't stick.

Comment Re: What a waste of time... (Score 1) 53

You actually brought up something interesting, maybe without even realizing it. This seems like a vector for asymmetrical warfare if a rogue nation could send up a single launch into LEO and have it spew millions of pieces in a direction most satellites aren't travelling but also in their orbits...

The economic cost to clean the space or to risk the area-denial for any space launch passing through the weaponized junk would be tremendous.

Comment Re: Citizen of Belgium here (Score 1) 1307

Given the average cost of land in Greece is around €7k/acre as far as I can tell, or €4.5m/sq mile. Greece is only 51k square miles. Greece's GDP is only €220m.

Now that they're bordering on default, I'd be okay with them paying in dirt. Maybe 10x the value of the land, or 1/10th their area. Or at least putting that on the table to light their fires and maybe scare them into doing something financially responsible for once.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I am sure the problem isn't entirely their fault, but I would have more sympathy of they spent more effort working than whining, and instead of protesting austerity actually started acting austere with their milk and honey pension/retirement system and culture of sleeping on the job/corruption.

Comment Bullshit (Score 1) 843

The article is more than a little disingenuous. A more appropriate title would have been "The F35 multirole strike fighter can't dogfight against one of the greatest air superiority dog fighting planes every designed".

The F22 is the competition for the F16. The F35 is the competition for the F18 Superhornet and the A10.

No shit the F35 can't compete against the F16. It was never designed to.

Comment Garbage in, Garbage out (Score 1) 256

Diversity metrics are bullshit anyways. The people that I know who were hired by Facebook were Jewish, a group that, while having white-ish skin, is just as discriminated against as blacks are.

But is that taken into consideration? Humankind isn't divided into white, asian, hispanic, and black.

Comment Re: What are... (Score 0, Flamebait) 273

I think we Americans enjoy the Imperial system so much because of how upset it makes NonAmericans that we use a completely fucking arbitrary set of measures instead of THEIR completely arbitrary set of measures, and we haven't been peer pressured into adopting the other arbitrary set of measures in 100+ years.

And as for that bullshit about logical units your science teacher told you, here is the historical definition of a metre before being redefines to be more precise but just as arbitrary in 1983:

"1 â„ 10,000,000 of the distance from the Earth's equator to the North Pole measured on the circumference through Paris."

And the candela:

"The candlepower, which is based on the light emitted from a burning candle of standard properties."

And now the Imperial units are pegged to the redefined Metric ones anyways.

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