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Comment george lucas makes me rolf ---- what arrogance!! (Score 1) 603

George, you got nobody else to blame for the ginormous POS you've put out since the orignal trilogy... No not ep 1-3, not remastered or even dvd copies of "original trilogy" but the laserdisk masters. Was before he got the dumb idea to remaster, remake and generally turn into a money grubbing sob. I am not one of these who HATES the movies, I luv the original's and was one of my favorite movies to watch on tv and took every chance when was a kid. BUT NOW you have soul calibur with sw, a remade tv show with cartoonish graphics I have yet to look at toys 'r us for the crap sold there.

I sincerly hope; a) he comes up with something GOOD and original star wars b) studio gets another original idea and produce themselves c) george gets off his high horse, riding the only good thing he's ever done in his lifetime (career wise -- and by himeself cause indy was george / speilburg) D) THIS IS ONE OF THE FINAL NAILS IN THE OLD COFFIN FOR STAR WARS OR THAT FANS START DEMANDING BETTER STUFF FROM GEORGE INSTEAD OF LAPPING UP HIS BS YEAR AFTER YEAR.

BTW george, it's called free speach. It does not defame you, it offers an opinion of a creative work you've published (half-hassardly) for all to see.... Just as these are my opinion, and I'm entitiled to them, I have not defamed you or anybody speficially.. And for the record, I don't need them to laugh at the commercials and shake my head

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