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Comment Re:Will it be enough? (Score 1) 100

I agree that the zones all really need redesigns. There are zones, like Perez Park, or Boomtown, etc., which are never used these days. They need to re-design them like they did to Faultline.

The thing, though, is that, when asked about this, the Devs say that it takes only slightly less time to re-design a zone as it takes to make a new zone.

The players, when questioned if they would rather have a new zone, or a re-designed zone, always say that they want a new zone. It's really sad, though. They have a lot of areas there that are sitting abandoned and empty that I feel should be brought back to life.

Comment Re:Reliable Entertainment (Score 1) 100

Now, if they let players design mission maps like you can SG bases, and place items and baddies exactly where you want them, and have some options for new/different objectives, you would be right.

Actually, they are working on that very thing right now. They couldn't include it in the current MA update, as it would take them a lot more work, and they wanted to give us something. No idea when, or if, they'll be able to do it, but they're trying.

Comment Re:Game is Meh. (Score 1) 100

I've read through your post about 3 times now, and I'm not sure what you're complaining about.

Alright, so, there are only certain numbers of mission types, and most of them involve fighting things. Find me an MMO that isn't the same way.

Yes, the office maps may look similar, but they are made up of individual rooms, and those rooms have the same layout. This allows the devs to come up with more content and not worry so much about hand-creating a new map each time.

There are many different kinds of maps, not just offices and warehouses and caves and sewers (although that is most of what you'll see at earlier levels), and each of them has at least 15 different layouts, so you won't really see the same thing over and over again.

And, yes, the devs know that a lot of the office maps look alike. They play the game too, and listen to the players. But, when they ask the players "Do you want office maps to look different, or do you want us to create another zone and more content?" the players always pick the zone and content. Strange.

If you're complaining about the game not forcing you to PvP, well, I, for one, welcome that, and I know a lot of other people who play who do as well. The game would be a lot less fun for me if I had to worry about being ganked every time I wanted to go to one of my missions, or when I was doing some street-sweeping.

"If you look at successful MMO's out there"... I have news for you, CoX IS a successful MMO! It's been around for 5 years now, and isn't in any danger of shutting down. Tell me, where is The Matrix Online, or The Sims Online, etc. The CoX player base is, at last count, only slightly less than the LotRO playerbase. A game that's 5 years old vs. a game that's only about a year old, and which is based to compete directly with WoW.

Yes, CoX is now WoW. I wouldn't play it if it was. If you want to play WoW, then play WoW.

Task Forces/Strike Forces have never been required. EVER. They are great for players who want to experience the world of the game more, and actually get some *gasp* PLOT in their games! And, yes, you get badges for doing them. CoX was the first MMO to have badges, btw.

And, if you're complaining about how you don't need to team up with anyone to play the game, again, GOOD! I don't always want to have to play with someone else! I don't want to be forced to group up with other people, who I either don't know, or who I'm forced to work around their schedules in order to have fun! CoX I can pick up at any point, spend 15-20 minutes and run a mission, and then go do something else if I have to. I don't have to raid for lewt, I don't have to grind my way up to the end content, where everyone else is, I don't have to hear people telling me that I'm useless if I don't spec my character a certain way, and I don't have to play with anyone I don't want to, just because "This instance is designed for 8 people".

Comment Re:What the article didn't mention.. (Score 2, Insightful) 43

However, if you do that, then there is no desire to play the player-created content, and the entire thing becomes a ghost town.

There's always a way to exploit a mission, or a map, or whatever to run yourself up in levels from 1 to 50 in a matter of two or three days, but then what? You have a L50 character with no other badges, no enhancements, no money, etc.

The rate of return from tickets to enhancements is about the same as you would get outside of the MA tool, but you don't get any influence/infamy, the currency of the game.

So, sure, go ahead, grind away and get to 50 real quick. The devs can't really stop you from doing that, and, if that's all you want out of the game, you're not going to be around very long anyway. Hell, you might as well just go play Progress Quest.

Comment Lederhosen Hosen (Score 4, Funny) 45

TV's Frank: Now I can shoddish while watering my plants! In my Lederhosen Hosen! La la la la la la la... In my Lederhosen Hosen... I JUST WANTED TO BE BAVARIAN FOR ONE BRIGHT SHINING MOMENT! IS THAT SO WRONG?!?!

Dr. Forrester: Yes Frank, it is wrong, but you've been under a lot of stress lately. How about we get you an alpine horn, would that make you feel better?

TV's Frank: YES!

Comment Re:That different? (Score 1) 136

I believe he was saying there was no internet on cell phones, which is true. I was kinda confused by that part as well, but I saw he was talking about it in the same section as his points about cell phones, and, yes, I assumed.

Because no one here would argue that there was no internet a scant 12 years ago, right?

Comment Boot Drive (Score 1) 79

This isn't such a bad idea. I mean, if you can have a boot drive on your mobo, then that's something you'd never have to mess with, and OS designers would be forced to keep their OS under that footprint.

Just imagine, a computer where you knew that everything that was on the hard drive was expendable, and could be deleted without harming the system...

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