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Comment Re:FBI hidden agenda (Score 3, Insightful) 78

They can spin this any way they want, but the only explanation that makes sense is that they were hoping that this operation would at some point lead them to Assange (who had prior contacts with Sabu). Shame on them.

What's really astonishing is they needed to resort to this despite the billions they've sunk into the NSA and their obvious and complete disregard for even the fundamental principles of law and the constitution.

Comment XP (Score 1) 577

I'm sure many of you have had the experience of taking a five-year-old PC, wiping it clean, putting the exact same OS on as it had before, and the PC is reborn, running several times faster than it did before the wipe.

Are you running XP? Ever since Win7 I've not had this problem since I switched off XP. Learn to uninstall things and learn how to manage startup.

All you're fixing by reinstalling the OS are all the configuration mistakes you made over the years. Stop making mistakes, or learn how to correct them, and you don't need to reinstall.

You could also set a restore point just after instal and revert...
Or reinstall the OS into the same directory it currently resides, having the same basic effect.

Your problem seems to be your lack of expertise in windows, not with the OS itself.

Also, I'm not a MS fanboy... hate em... but what you're talking about is not a windows problem. It's a user problem. I guess they should make it easier to deal with, but the fact of the matter its far easier to fix this in windows than Linux. And far easier to make linux unbootable via the same mistakes than windows.

Comment uh huh... (Score 2) 50

I've been through these sales pitches before.
Ok Intel, how much did it COST to install?
Did you factor in that you sent in all of your Intel experts for free? And that you'll charge me $200 per hour just to ask them what kind of outlet to plug this into?
What was the volume of that plant? Is it producing $10million in product? Or $300 million? Scale matters.

$9 million in savings in a large production plants is shit. They have single machines that cost more than that. To take a gamble on a large change like this, the savings need to be insane. Cut my costs in half and it might be worth the risk. Saving $9 million when my costs average $300 million and, yes... that's nice... but its not worth the risk of new tech.

Comment Re:misleading (Score 1, Funny) 72

The title of this article:

Hundreds of Police Agencies Distributing Spyware and Keylogger

I guess you're just smarter than me... My warning is for all us dumb people, so we're not tricked into thinking this keylogger was targeted at us. I understand that you knew immediately what that meant, but those of us with IQ's bellow 200 might have gotten a tad confused.

Comment Re:It's time to fine. (Score 1) 240

Working with EMR systems for small clinics has shown me that unless fines are given out to these companies developing this software they will make it as difficult and expensive to exchange records with different systems as possible. It is far more profitable for them to make it hard to exchange and then make their clients convince other offices to use the same software if they want to make it easy.

That's not true at all. As the summary suggests, they just print and fax it over. Simple as that. I've done it... some of the more unfriendly places will charge between $5 and $20 for the effort. But that's not that big of a deal considering infrequently you switch HMOs

The reason it's hard is because all of these medical CRM systems are "in the cloud" If you're in Epics cloud it's easy to transfer data to another company in the same cloud. If they have a completely different system? LOL, good luck. Not only would it be a total pain to transfer the data, the security implications on medical data are insane.

Comment GOOD (Score 5, Interesting) 240

I live in Madison, Right next to Epic actually. Pretty much all medical facilities in the area use them of course.

The problem is, every time I go into the doctor they tell me about how they can now pull in all my medical history from every other system. It's so great! Yay! The doctors are sooo giddy and I roll my eyes because I know what's coming...

So according to this you have Herpes... no? Strange...
And multiphasic drug abuse? No?
Open heart surgery? Really? No?

and on an on it goes.
EVERY time I go in, all that stuff shows up under my name. No, I do not have a common name like John smith. My real name is very unique. Yet, records that have nothing to do with me get pulled in every time. But the only data transferred is the diagnoses. There is no info on where the data came from, when it happened... nothing. I'm pretty sure I'd remember heart surgery or herpes.

People lie about their names at hospitals all the time to avoid billing, law enforcement, etc... I suspect that's what happened to me. I had a rather unsavory roommate in college. But since the system lacks all detail of the event, I cannot even get it removed. This needs to die... and die theroughly. I should get to chose which records are kept about my health.

Comment misleading (Score 4, Insightful) 72

This is a misleading story and summary.

I got the impression the police were distributing this as some kind of internet filter, and secretly using it to monitor your computer.
It's not.
The are advertising it for what it is. A keylogger... so you can spy on your kids.
It's a crappy piece of software, and the company that produced it made some disreputable marketing claims.
The police are not using it to spy on you.

I have a 6yr old. The way I monitor his internet activity is simple. The computers in the living room right next to the couch. I can see everything he's doing, any time hes on it. I have the password so he can't log on without me entering it for him. Every game he plays or site he visits I go checkout myself. Btw, Adventure Time Battle party is his favorite and it's actually pretty fun for adults to.

Comment Re:This device is not new or interesting (Score 2) 651

The receiver is the only part of the gun controlled by the federal government. It's considered "The gun" for all intense and purposes.

All other parts can be ordered online and are exempt from firearms laws. So for those that think the federal government over-regulates firearms (myself included) making a tool that can cheaply produce a receiver is a big win. For years you could cast a receiver and then mill it out. But that required a lot of skill. With this, you can buy this CNC mill, order the cast block of aluminum... plug it in... viola, a receiver. You can mailorder the rest of the parts and you now have a fully legal, untraceable gun.

Comment Re:The water wars are coming (Score 5, Interesting) 151

Even the people that want to restore the lake don't argue the benefits of redirecting the water. The problem is how it's been redirected. The soviets litterally dug trenches through sand to get it where they wanted. It's not in pipes, it's not through pumps. The water travels over sand through an open air canal in the desert. Estimates are that less than 15% of it actually gets to the farm fields. If they fixed the canals they could have both the farm land and the sea.

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