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Comment Re:New Madrid is totally different from Ca faults (Score 2, Interesting) 96

Yes. It's surprising that he seems to gloss over this fact (and the physical evidence of many earlier major earthquakes in the area.) I assume the article does not present his argument well. As a geology grad and Illinoian who has experienced tremors in southern Illinois first hand, I will not be one to dismiss the dangers of the New Madrid fault anytime soon. Just two years ago I had pots in my kitchen cabinets rattle from a tremor in the area, and I live 350 miles away, near Chicago. I think his view (as presented) is definitely in the minority among seismologists.

Comment Re:lol yea sure (Score 1) 204

Robert M, I admire that you have put your thoughts out there and gone to the effort of showing your work. Thanks.
But, honestly. There is simply no comparison between what the MS de-blurr does and what a simple sharpening filter can do. And looking by looking at the images it's totally obvious (at least to anyone who has a threshold level of photography or image processing experience.) The MS de-blurr technique is a starting point for improving the original image capture intent, not an end point. The MS de-blurr technique enhances the amount of information captured instead of degrading poorly captured information. It can be processed further by *proper* post processing image enhancement techniques and get to a much better result than what you have done with a simple Sharpen filter.
In other words, run those sharpen filters on the MS de-blurred images to see a better comparison (although the filters you used are actually not a good choice to enhance the image.)
Don't think of this technique as a replacement for a tripod or proper image capture. Rather think of it as an additional free improvement to all the other techniques.
The really cool thing about the MS de-blurr technique is that it can use onboard hardware "for free" (at least for many smart phones) to improve image capture with little effort. It could be used to great effect with any camera (with adaptation, depending on additional hardware used) DSLR, point and shoots, etc., especially if it can be run on the raw data before processing into JPEG or TIFF. If the process is computationally too intensive, it can still be used very effectively in post processing if the image is captured RAW.
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Comment Re:What To Do With an Old G5 Tower? (Score 1) 417

As I learned it, it was,
"Shave his belly with a rusty razor . . . "

Regarding the G5 though, just load Leopard on it. My old G4 running Leopard works quite well as a sit down computer. Admittedly though, recycling it and getting a new one is probably the best solution when you consider performance and energy use. I'll probably do that in the next year or so myself.

Comment Re:Yeah, right (Score 1) 229

"If you believe there's an iPhone 6 in that testing chamber under a black cloak, then Gizmodo has a phone they want to sell you."
And if you believe there isn't, I've a bridge I'd to sell you (and we all know from court documents etc. who is more likely to possess such items!)

Comment Re:Zapp Brannigan's Reporting Strategy (Score 2, Insightful) 588

It is after all a "support site," not a "chat site."
It looks like there are lots of thoughtful discussions about the antenna issue, just no whining, which Apple has always deleted. Whining does not advance the support/trouble shooting goal of thew site.
Also CU does not let you see their full results unless you pay them (since they do not take advertising to remove any direct conflict of interest.)
Does this control of access to their site mean CU is "censoring" their site? I don't think so. Neither is Apple.

Comment Re:Updates *are* done over USB (Score 1) 196

"The iPod Touch I could understand since it doesn’t necessarily have an internet connection, but the iPhone has its own dedicated connection..."
Actually both the iPad and iPodtouch have Wifi (and Bluetooth) I assume that is what you mean by"internet connection." The 3G version of the iPad will not be shipping for another week or so.
As far as why?
In normal use, when docked, theses devices have access to iTunes for syncing content, metadata, etc., and they can recharge their batteries. That goes for an update too, but in addition its easier if the OS does not have to run and there is the extra security of a direct power supply—no running out of power in the middle of the update.

Comment Re:I'm conflicted (Score 1) 980

"BTW, Adobe has Open Sourced their Flex framework and who knows, might even do the same with Flash player at some point."

Yeah, and who knows gold coins might fly out your ass too!
Who cares if Flash goes Open Source? No thanks, Flash is "a bag of hurt."

Comment Re:Did you even watch the footage? (Score 1) 973

That's a useful link. Reading the report I see nothing that contradicts the video and am impressed that the military did such thorough investigation. The incident is obviously tragic, although it is not clear exactly what the guys with the RPG were doing. Not being familiar with the "rules of war," I have no idea if it can be considered fully "justified." Shooting everyone so indiscriminately seems excessive and shooting the the van particularly seems very wrong to me. For journalists to stalk around in a combat area in close proximity to heavily armed people who are not in uniform seems like a very dangerous activity.

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