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Comment Re:Eve a very deep game. (Score 1) 270

Forgot to add that the game has few real moneysources (economy wise)

Mission rewards.
Bounties (you get this by killing "evil" NPCs).
A few select items that can be sold to NPCs, like dogtags and similar items (unlike most other MMOs, NPCs in eve don't buy most of the crap you can farm, you have to sell those to another player, or use them yourself one way or another, like recycling for raw minerals)
Insurance fraud (and they're killing this one in the next patch).

There are many other ways a player can make money, but it always comes from other players at the end.

Comment Re:Eve a very deep game. (Score 1) 270

Skillbooks (required to start learning new skills).
Blueprints (the base of all and everything in this game, without them you can't build anything).
Loyalty stores (some of the best items have to be bought here with cash).
Taxes in various forms (everytime you sell something, the game gets a cut, sation rentals, production rentals, etc...).
Fuels of various kind for player owned structures (this will change with new patch but it will be a diferent moneysink, with export taxes).
Cloning costs.
Ship insurance (if you manage to keep your ship alive for the 3 month period of the ship insurance, and yes i know about insurance fraud, but that doesn't apply to rigged ships or tech 2/ tech 3)

About the gear just one word "destruction". Everytime your ship gets destroyed, it's gone forever, you have to get a new one, and half of the equipment gets destroyed too, the other half "drops" so you can recover it (or the bastard that just ganked you :P). And this being a game with a huge PvP factor, you can bet a loooot of stuff gets "erased" everyday. (Usually this would fight inflation too in most games, but since about 99% of the materials for crafting are player generated one way or another...)

Comment Re:All this talk... (Score 1) 270

You mean just like they have been in business for the last 7 years?, with an always growing playerbase (yes, it's small compared to WoW, but very few occidental MMOs come close to eve).

Now check how many MMOs have been alive for more than 3 years.

Also, I can't believe no one has mentioned that you can your monthly subscription with INGAME money, that is, you farm cash doing missions and it pays your subscription. When you start, the amount required sounds like a lot of cash, but with some experience and help from a friend (Drake FTW) you can be making the required cash in about 3 months, and from that point you effectively play for free ;) (at this point you can make the required amount of cash in about 20-30 hours a month wich isn't that much for most MMO players).
Once you've been in the game for 6-9 months you make the cash in about 10-15 playtime hours total, or maybe 1-2 hours if you play the market game ;)

Comment Re:This has its perks (Score 1) 374

Just a few days ago we got an article about a nanobot that can manipulate single atoms, with some help, yes but it's a start considering we've just started to develop the idea...

And I bet you know that wonderfull quote about magic and advanced technology, right?

Also I guess that gas giant has a neverending supply of materials, who would need more than one solar system...

Comment Re:This has its perks (Score 1) 374

The amount of energy required depends on the time you have for the trip, if the "atacking" civilization has enough time, it's trivial to speed up to something like 0.5 C and send them back home.

Imagine a civilization sending small probes all around the galaxy, after that they just have to wait, and after the initial wait of maybe 50-100 years you get a constat stream of ships coming from all around the galaxy, you just sit there and start building like crazy (a dyson sphere, and then the real space-traveling colonies to build dyson spheres on the closest stars). With the probable knoledge that if you did your work right, your supply is almost neverending.

Comment Re:This has its perks (Score 1) 374

Just use two grams of nanobots instead of one, one gram programed to replicate and kill/genocide and the other gram programed to replicate and build massive spacefaring ships to send back "home".

The ships itself are the loot, once they get back home you just dismantle them and you got a massive amount of resources with an very small cost for your home planet/planets

Comment Re:Perfectly valid (Score 1) 405

Now that's an easy question:

TI calc, you use the hack to upload a firmware/os that you/someone created and that you're free to use (supossing that it's a open source or free version, I guess that there are no "buyable" new firmware/os for the TI)

Nintendo DS with the hack you can load hombrew, wich is fine and dandy, but you can also load ROMs of comecially available games, with falls right into the DMCA domains.

DirecTV you use the hack to view comercially distributed media (TV series, movies) that you didn't pay for, wich AFAIK falls again into DMCA domains.

Do you notice the trend?

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