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Comment Re:One or the other (Score 1) 198

This "Consistent interface on everything" is really a toxic idea and I'd like to throttle whoever came up with it and started telling everyone it's a great idea. I have different devices for a reason and that is because I do different things with them. There is absolutely no reason and no advantage for having the same interface.

Charter Cable Co does the same thing with their cable boxes and as a result their DVR has the worst interface in the history of the world because it has to dumb itself down to match what their basic cable box can do. The basic cable box is good enough for channel surfing but it completely falls apart as a DVR. Somehow the Execs have it in their head that people using a cable box at their neighbors with a familiar interface is more important than having a good interface at home. Where I you know, actually use the equipment.

Consistent user interface is the Folly of the Century.

Comment Re:The fundamental differnence between companies (Score 1) 230

I have been using G+ a little recently and I like it, I call it the new Facebook. I call it that because right now it's kind of in the same position Facebook was interface-wise when MySpace was a big thing. G+ is slicker and works better plus less annoying messages about games and apps that want to mine my personal information. Facebook lets you control some stuff but they always have a little wedge for getting advertising and spam in front of me. What I think would really help G+ adoption would be to integrate Facebook as a sharing destination. G+ has a really nice share UI but only within G+. You need to be able to share to Twitter and Facebook at the same time. Facebook might be blocking a feature like that, I don't know.

Comment Re:He was arrested (Score 1) 511

Amine el-Khalifi is their latest "catch".

"It seems to be right out of the FBI playbook. It is almost identical to a number of prior arrests, where the FBI finds some vulnerable young man ... They then basically encourage him to get involved in a campaign to be recruited, in this case by some sort of al-Qaeda creation, which really isn’t al-Qaeda. And then arm him weapons and then arrest him. “We've seen things along these lines for years now, of entrapment as a technique supposedly for investigative purposes, but actually for prosecutorial purposes."

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