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Submission + - George Lakoff Made Up His Theory of Moral Politics (

Advocate123 writes: I was looking to do an analysis of George Lakoff's study about politics, until I realized there was no study at all! That is right; he invented the whole thing with a student of his. There is no study. There is no science. This is not a joke; this man is teaching something he concocted out of thin air, and he admits it in the video.

Submission + - Rockridge Institute: The Most Deceitful Far-Left O (

Advocate123 writes: Many of you need to be aware of an extremely devious propaganda organization. Worst of all, some of its senior members are professors at American Universities around the Country where they are able to intellectually abuse their students under the cloak of social science. I am talking about the Rockridge Institute.

Submission + - Karl Rove Says He was a Complete Nerd (

Advocate123 writes: In his most recent interview on the Charlie Rose Show, Karl Rove said the following to describe why he is who he is: "Look, I was a complete Nerd. There are no ifs — I had hush puppies. I carried a briefcase to the fourth grade. I had pocket protectors. I don't know what you wrote your first civics paper about when you were in the fourth or the fifth grade. I remember what I wrote mine about...the theory of dialectical materialism........."

Submission + - Hillary Clinton's Actual Resume (

Advocate123 writes: We did some investigative journalism over the last few weeks, and were able to find Hillary Clinton's actual resume! You will not find it anywhere else.

Submission + - Liberals Ban Valedictorian Honors (

Advocate123 writes: Ever since liberals took over our education system in this country, there are no more winners and losers. If a student thinks that 2 + 2 = 5, and is completely illiterate, we should try to "gain an understanding" of why that child was left behind. Rather than telling the student that he or she is wrong, and placing high expectations on the student to improve, the child is praised for giving his or her best effort.

Submission + - School Bans Valedictorian Honors to Protect Studen ( 8

Advocate123 writes: As a result of these ridiculous policies, gifted students are locked in a box of mediocrity. Students who dedicate their lives toward academics, and excel, are ridiculed by fellow peers. Even worse, disgraceful teachers force the best and the brightest students to be patient with students who neither demonstrate the effort nor intelligence to succeed. The boredom resulting from a lack of high expectations is painful to endure for many students. In Colorado this past Tuesday, the Boulder Valley school district engaged in the most recent example of insanity by baning valedictorian honors.

Submission + - Distorts the Capital Gains Tax and AMT (

Advocate123 writes: Here is comprehensive analysis of the following: 1) The Concept of Corporate Double Taxation; and 2) The Concept of a low Capital Gains Tax. These concepts are vital to understanding the political issues dealing with our tax structure today. Nevertheless, is twisting the facts. Read for educational purposes and understand why.
The Media

Submission + - Bill Moyers Attacks New FCC Regulations (

Advocate123 writes: Bill Moyers is a journalist on PBS whose salary is paid using our tax dollars. Nevertheless, his slanted commentary is often unapologetic, arrogant and condescending. This week, Moyers went on his show to complain that too few corporations own all of the media.

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An Ada exception is when a routine gets in trouble and says 'Beam me up, Scotty'.
