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Comment Why? (Score 0, Troll) 266

It sucks to see the GPL being used to shut down an organization that dedicates itself to something noble like adult education. Then again, what did they have to gain by NOT publishing their changes and removing the copyright info?

Comment Re:Yeah, right (Score 1) 759

They are still selling Windows XP today. This is not like a car manufacturer failing to offer a warranty on 10 year old cars. This is like a car manufacturer still selling a car they designed 10 years ago, but failing to sell parts, and banning anyone else from trying to sell aftermarket parts.

Comment Re:um yeah... (Score 1) 1016

Don't like the law? Then change it by any legal means available to you. But please quit bitching when someone gets arrested for breaking it.

How do you think laws get changed? Magic? A bunch of people discuss them (like we're doing here), and then get angry (like some of us are doing here), then work together to get them changed (like the EFF and other organizations are doing).

Comment Re:Software Rental (Score 1) 567

If you're going to bash Microsoft, at least choose things they actually do wrong. Failure to renew your Windows license in a corporate environment does not result in data loss. Most (not all) Microsoft Corporate licensing schemes work on the honor system. No activation, no checking of how many licenses you have, not even a reminder popup. In fact, you have to intentionally *install* software to help you manage your licenses with Microsoft.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 326

"What is this with involving lawyers at a simple decision point?"

What is with his employer using their lawyers to write the document for him to agree to?

My guess is that short of having experience working with Law, your average layman wouldn't even be able to fully understand all of the implications of this agreement.

[By reading this comment you agree not to post any disagreement to the above statements here, on any other website, to your friends, family, or spouse, or in other private communications.]

[Agree] [Decline]

Comment Re:Photocopying (Score 1) 286

I block youtube as well as facebook, myspace, etc on my network.

Youtube has clips that are unfit for young children. Parents need only the slightest excuse to sue these days, and whose job do you think will be forfeit in an attempt to appease them?

It's CYA in it's purest form.

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