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Submission + - 8-Year-Olds Publish Scientific Bee Study (

flintmecha writes: A group of British schoolchildren may be the youngest scientists ever to have their work published in a peer-reviewed journal. In a new paper in Biology Letters, 25 8- to 10-year-old children from Blackawton Primary School report that buff-tailed bumblebees can learn to recognize nourishing flowers based on colors and patterns. The paper itself is well worth reading. It’s written entirely in the kids’ voices, complete with sound effects (part of the Methods section is subtitled, “‘the puzzle’duh duh duuuhhh”) and figures drawn by hand in colored pencil.

Comment Honestly? (Score 1) 724

If you care at all about video games in general, why would you pirate this game in light of the amazing treatment CD Projekt is giving gamers? Absolutely no DRM, play-anywhere, and an astounding pre-release bonus package.

I'm normally opposed to devs going all vigilante and hunting down pirates, but I think in this particular situation, I think Wither 2 pirates really deserve some sort of punishment, whether legal or physical.

If you pirate this game, you are a dick, plain and simple.

Comment Re:I hope they *do* add this to the curriculum (Score 2, Insightful) 989

Public schools are funded by taxes. Those ten words of the First Ammendment are the heart of Separation of Church and State in America. The government must not make any decision which favors or discriminates against a specific religion, such as allowing a public school system to teach a Christian myth.

Comment Re:more importantly (Score 1) 366

I know we all have our own ways of doing things, and our own needs, and we each do what works for us.

But Jesus Christ I cannot comprehend a situation that would lead to so many tabs open on a so-called "normal" browsing session! Do you folks compulsively open every link in a new tab? Is there a reason you never close a tab when you're done with it? Do your Back and Forward buttons not work properly? I ask these question out of complete curiosity, not to flame.

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