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Comment Re:WTF is WPS? (Score 1) 164

I'll tell you one thing WPS is, excuse for other hardware manufacturers to NOT supply an on-board means of entering a passphrase. The last all in one printer I bought (an HP-B209A) came with wireless, but no wired networking, and NO means to setup the wireless without WPS (which my router, thank God, doesn't have). The only way to set it up otherwise was to first install it as a USB printer solely to have a means of entering the wireless passphrase....can you imagine??

Comment Re:Work != Labor (Score 2) 455

I hear a lot of this sort of thing regarding desk jobs lately, but to me the answer is simple: Regardless of what job you have you simply must work out, and while you don't have to work out an insane amount, you must work out on a regular weekly schedule and stick to it...period.

I'm a programmer and have NO activity during work. However for the last (almost) 20 years I've made sure to do 20 minutes of very strenuous aerobics twice a week, and two days of extensive weight lifting (on day of leg/abs stuff and one day of upper body weights). Except on the very rare occasion that I'm seriously ill, I never miss that schedule. Guess what, at 58 I have about 9.5% body fat...I can press more than my weight comfortably and do like 85 push-ups, and in general, pretty much feel like a 25 year old.

Sure, more activity at work will help keep weight off, just like walking helps keep weight off. However neither one gives you a real cardiovascular workout or any real substitute for weight resistant exercise. Don't get me started on the whole walking thing...the recent trend where everyone tells you to do a lot of walking in my view is not helping. The main excuse given for not exercising is time, and walking time-wise is the worst bang for the buck you can get, and at best may help you shed a little weight.

There just is no replacement for real exercise.

Comment Re:Great! (Score 3, Insightful) 279

Bullshit. In a Libertarian world, I could sue the fuckers for polluting the water table. Now they have license thanks to government regulation and are shielded from liability. about backwards logic: The halliburton loophole was NOT a regulation, but an exemption from an existing regulation. The existing regulation was good, and the halliburton loophole did away with it in this case...never mind the notion that the ability to sue is somehow better than preventing the pollution in the first place(??).

Comment Re:100% Enforcement Is Not a Problem (Score 1) 506

But the authorities don't want 100% enforcement. They want people to keep on speeding so they can keep on bringing in that ticket revenue.

...and it gets worse than that. I live in NJ where the posted highway speed limits and the actual speed limits which are "enforced" are two totally separate things. Highways with 65 MPH speed limits move regularly at somewhere around 75 and it's difficult to drive slower than that without causing problems. This opens up the enforcement to all sorts of crap...whether you get a ticket or not (possibly for just for doing what everyone else is doing) can depend on an officers mood or the fact that he doesn't like your looks for that matter. Don't get me wrong...I have no patience for people who risk other peoples lives while driving, but what goes on here is a complete joke of a system.

Comment Re:What's the alternative? (Score 1) 944

Stop the fear mongering. The protesters simply want to return to sanity. Between the New Deal and the beginning of Voodoo Economics capital was used to produce actual goods instead of financial bubbles. Why not simply return that?

Exactly. I'm getting sick of so many portraying this whole thing as though it were some call to anarchy or something, when even the likes of John Bogle are very vocal about the absurdly huge role Wall Street plays in our current economy. He argues that much of the current goings on there suck money out of the productive economy way more than it fosters investment in the productive economy as was originally intended.

Comment Re:make it opt-in for states (Score 3, Informative) 392

Absolutely. Back in the early 90s at a software company I worked for, one of our customers was a company that specialized in aircraft maintenance, refurbishing etc...a lot of which was for private owners. They had to be prepared to collect every applicable sales tax based on the residence of the owner. The system they had for that, which required them to buy expensive updates regularly, kept track of literally thousands of different taxes....pure insanity. Anyone with any notion of mandating that on Internet businesses is either ignorant or simply wants Internet commerce to disappear.

Comment Re:Wrong hands or wrong spectrum? (Score 1) 131

Ignoring the rest, you ask if anyone is still watching UHF TV nowadays. Yes, everybody is. What they got rid of is the VHF TV stations. Absolutely every broadcast station is in the UHF range.

Actually no. I'm in NJ and get both Philadelphia and New York stations. After the digital switch over many stations whose digital broadcast was on UHF moved their digital broadcast to their old VHF frequency where they are now. These include 7 (ABC in NY), 11 (CW in NY), 13 (PBS in NY), 6 (ABC in Phily), and 12 (PBS in Phily). This happened in a lot of markets and came as a rather ugly surprise to a lot of people that got duped into buying high end "HD" antennas that were UHF only.

Comment Re:Desktop schmesktop (Score 1) 835

I've been using Fluxbox for about 9 years, after first using Gnome and then Enlightenment for a while, so I've probably been after more minimalism all the time. Of course, there are still more minimal window managers, but none of them has really caught my attention. For example, tiling WMs are probably great for large screens, but I generally use a laptop and other smaller screens (again, one task per virtual screen for better concentration).

I've been using Fluxbox for many years as well after using KDE for some time. I almost never even use the right click menu. I have hot key combinations configured for the programs I use most and launch the rest from the command line. I never even installed idesk because I never really missed having desktop icons. One think I love is that the entire configuration is pretty much in a few text files in ~/.fluxbox. I'm still happy with it.

Comment Re:DUPE... again (Score 2) 209

Having built the shittiest forum interface in all of webdom, did you actually imagine the slashdot staff would subject themselves to such by using it?

Boy you're not kidding. It seems as though the /. interface kept changing over time until it was completely and utterly broken...especially in Firefox...and then development ceased...WTF?? I still have scores missing on posts all over the place...I have NO clue as to what logic causes articles on the main page to be own posts will show a score of 2 within the article comments and 1 on my ./ home page...I could go on. Seriously...what are they up to here??

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