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Comment Re:not really a good comparison (Score 1) 1695

What kind of 'fact' is that? it seems to me to be of the opinion kind.
You seem to be so scared shitless by whatever phony news/entertainment you consume, that you think that 'muslims' (probably all of them) will come to kill you with "grenade launchers, sharp knives, bombs, and guns" if you insult their faith. Islam sucks, just as christianity or any other religion (except the holy church of the flying spaghetti monster, off course). What will happen to me now I made this deliberate insult to all these violent religions..?

Comment Re:That would not hold in europe (Score 1) 457

Except this is not a copyright case, it is about patents. Software patens to be exact. Since this codec works on every processor/os imaginable, it is not bound to a physical device, thus not valid in Europe.
If such contract practices are legit/enforceable at all is another matter.

Comment Re:That's what they said about the USSR (Score 1) 691

Maybe 10 hours flying, but that is omitting the 4 hours to spend in customs/security checks or whatever the fashion is then.
The reason why America has not electrified a lot of their tracks is just plain costs, it is cheaper only for short-sighted people/managers to run diesels. With electricity, you can build a windmill next to the track for every few kilometres to defray the costs. You cannot do that with diesel, nor can you put more diesel back in the tank when you brake.
Thinking that a diesel lorry is cheaper than a train of them is deluding yourself. Metal on metal contact for the wheels is much more economical, especially combined with the constant motion of a train. The problems/costs rise when the next step in distribution is not adapted or suited very well for train transport. But there are no indications that cannot be overcome with technology.

Comment Re:Google (Score 0, Flamebait) 354

Well good on ya! Drop it if you like, or make it into a balmerbot and let it throw chairs at your Linus idol, I don;t really care (but I do want to see the vids though:). Linux is available in a LOT of different flavours. The free BSD's however have much less mind and market-share. Yes you may argue OSX is a BSD variant, but there you have a company that is more evil then google IMHO.
Nobody forced them to built on a linux kernel, they choose that one partially because it was Open and Free. On top of that they built an operating system that they could have kept very closed. (The GPL kernel does not imply anything about the licence of the software that runs on top of it), but they chose not to.

Comment Re:Wow, they trained you good! (Score 1) 507

There are enough pages out there that do not function without javascript. Once you have javascript active, you can surely check if an adblocker is active. You just want to catch the majority. Thus far this majority has been those who do not use adblockers and most advertisers have been ok with that.
This is not a case of a tragedy of the commons, as it is not about a common resource. The publisher is not a common resource, his decisions are not dictated by those who use his services. He can in theory work out a business model that works better then the one he is losing (not making enough) money on. That is not my common responsibility.

Comment Wow, they trained you good! (Score 5, Insightful) 507

A corporate-led economy needs a lot of middle class people like you that accept their given order/hierachy and try to impose it on others that rebel against it. You seem unaware of the influence advertising has over you and you seem to wish to deny others their right to free themselves of it.
Oh, you say that if I refuse blockable ads, I should just not watch those sites/TV channels/magazines, because after all that is only fair and they would go bankrupt otherwise? My answer to that is that advertisers are not 'fair' at all either, they just wish to maximise their profits and do whatever they can get away with. So why should I act any better towards them? I can get away with using an ad-blocker and they still serve me their content. It is not 'stealing' (another great act of brainwashing that you think it is, denying someone their profit is not stealing -ever), as they can just choose to not serve it to me. They can get away with obnoxious and/or deceiving ads, I can get away with blocking their ads. No need for any moral grandstanding there. It only becomes a moral issue when you start believing in a corporate state where it is amoral to deny the incumbent corporations their profits. It is freedom to not be responsible for the financial welfare of the companies I do business with.

Comment Re:Great, still doesn't fix the Houston problem. (Score 1) 494

With the population density my country has, and the big number of cyclists, there is a big chance that as a truck driver you will kill a cyclist in an accident. People tend not to like that. Besides, him driving a 10ton truck does not mean he has more right of way and overtaking has to be done with sufficient margin, usually in the next traffic lane.

Comment get your priorities right. (Score 1) 466

Cars cause orders of magnitude more death than Nuclear power plants. Coal fed power plants need coal that is mined. Coal mining kills dozens of miners each year, many more than uranium mines (you need much more coal then uranium ore). Thus coal power plants kill many more people than nuclear power plants. Next factor in modern reactor designs that use reprocessed fuel, breeder reactors or Thorium based reactors, and that count goes down even further. As for waste: as widely cited, coal releases more radioactive waste, on top of the global warming agent CO2. You could capture these ashes and gasses, but most plants don't yet. Just as the waste problem for nuclear power plants has not been solved yet. An increase in nuclear waste requires just some land area, the CO2 problem from coal power warms up the whole world.

Comment Re:An iPod? (Score 1) 51

that is quite long actually. Discharge rates of 10 or 20C are not uncommon. That leaves you 6 or 3 minutes of fun. These kind of batteries are pretty cheap, so you can just put in a fresh battery and go fly again. But that leaves of something important: most of the video is an obvious fake animation, not the real thing flying. Adding all this stuff like wifi and a camera is feasible, but not for a toy. Maybe they have a real product, but I want to see some real footage from the cam while flying. In the video where they show something real interacting with humans, the pilot has to look at the craft, not at his screen.

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