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Comment Re:Oh Lord. (Score 2) 506

How about you just don't speed, you jack-off...

I'd like to point out to you that most speed limit are ridiculously LOW.

Case in point, the expressways in the major metropolitan city in the U.S. called Chicago where the speed limit on the expressways is 55 MPH. From my estimation, the number of drivers at or below the speed limit is approximately 5%. I also estimate that the average speed of all drivers is approximately 70-75 MPH.

Now what does this tell you about how "reasonable" the posted speed limits are?

As a matter of fact, those who drive the speed limit in the left lane create a tremendous danger for everyone.

Comment Re:Everybody's Looking at That Phone-Thing (Score 1) 311

Motorola spun off Motorola Mobility earlier this year, an that's the company that Google bought. That's not the same company that's making Motorola branded set-top boxes or any of the other electronic products that aren't related mobile phones.



Comment Re:Looks pretty bad here. (Score 1) 2254

Is shaving off the left edge of every article part of the plan, or just a bonus?

This is my big complaint also. I use NoSquint and the left edge is cut off unless I make the text so small that it's hard to read.

A big thumbs down from me.

P.S. Is there any way to REMOVE the topics at the left? I can't find it in the options.

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