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Comment Re:Wohoo! (Score 1) 491

Honestly, I don't want to have to grab a mouse, or fuss with the touchpad if I can help it. My start menu (XP) has my most frequently used apps with a number in front of them. So I can hit the windows key and then 1 to start chrome, or windows key and 2 to start OpenOffice, et cetera.
Also, I can shut it down by pressing windows, "u" and "s".

Comment Re:The answer to the question (Score 1) 712

How should he try not to get shot at school? Are you suggesting that he bring his ballistic shield with him? It's kind of bulky, especially compared to a Ruger .45 ACP.

In fact, and this scares the crap out of you, if someone decides to start shooting random innocents, the only way we've found to stop them is by poking holes in them. If nobody nearby has a hole-poker, they have to call a professional hole-poker, who takes, on average, an extra twelve victims worth of time to get there.

As far as I can tell, your policy preference is to adopt the gun laws of Detroit, or Mexico.

Comment Re:All Biofuels are a crock.. (Score 1) 238

Maybe a good first step would be for automakers to make battery packs for cars easy enough to swap out that my grandma could do it. Then all manner of storage and charging options become feasible.

The supermarket down the street sells 20lb tanks of propane, for $20 when you swap tanks. If they could make swapping an empty battery as easy as swapping an empty a tank on my grill, more places would find ways to charge batteries to sell.

Comment Re:Topsoil-based fuels are wrongheaded in every wa (Score 1) 238

"Well, it's not great, but it is a crack in the monoculture-for-fuel mindset."

If you define "monoculture" as "field full of corn" then yes. If you define monoculture as "The cultivation of a single crop in a given area," like, well, the dictionary, then growing several sections of these "energy beets" will be a monoculture as well.

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