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Comment Re:News to me (Score 1) 309

My experience with Cell Phones/Pagers breaks down like this:
1) Had a cell phone in 2000-2001 when living in Florida. Mainly because we lived out in the country and had crappy cars that would break a lot. I actually do not like Cell Phones.
2) Moved back to Canada and got a pager in 2002-2003. Mainly because I didn't want people calling me at all hours. They would page me, and I'd respond when I felt like it/if it was important. This also allowed me to be available for work, but not too available for work.
3) I got a Blackberry this year from work. Mainly to keep up on emails and server notifications that go out via email. The cell phone part of it rarely gets used as I still don't like cell phones.

Not that anyone really cares about my usage, just thought I'd counter the 'no one uses pagers outside the US comment'. And I was also a end consumer who bought a pager, as opposed to work giving me a pager to be on call and such. Which is also something you don't see all that often. The pager allowed people to contact me in emergencies, but was much cheaper then a cell phone, and far less annoying.

Comment Re:name change (Score 1) 900

I would guess that TFIFY = There, fixed it for you. Referring to the practice of changing (or in this case adding) to someones quote with the intention of fixing typos, factual errors, or to make a joke. And in this case, it was the latter.

Comment Re:Not good enough (Score 1) 663

I switched to Dvorak a few years back after some wrist and finger pain. But as you said, that would only work for me at home. I could not change the keys at work or in the lab as it is a shared workspace.

My first mod was simply changing the key mapping, and popping off my keys. I did some typing tutorials and it took 2 or 3 months to get back up to speed.

At first, going back and forth was confusing, however, after about 6 months, I could go back and forth between the two layouts fairly seamlessly. There are a few characters that still get messed up from time to time, but on the whole, it is a lot better.

Later, I bought a keyboard that had a button that could toggle between the two layouts, and was a hardware alternative. Cost me over $100, but well worth it as my friends and girlfriend (now wife) could still type while visiting my house.

I am also by no means a proper keyboard-ist though, and still need to look at the keys from time to time. But only after about 6 months work, I'm able to go back and forth between the two without any issues, and at home at least (and now at work as I have my own workstation) I can keyboard in comfort.

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