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Comment Re:Wny not just tax trades? (Score 2) 267

I think the problem is that we all forget what it all this about:Trading should be about investment. Not especulation.
A company that need to grow needs money, so it go public to look for investors, that put their money in the company.
What good makes a company a "trader" that buys a stock and sells it 1 microsecond later for a profit. A speculator is *NOT* interested in supporting a bussines.

So the focus should be in that. atract more investors and punish the speculator:
1) No tax for trades kept for 1 month.
2) 100% tax for trades bought & sold the same day (so you should sell it twice the buying price to don't lose money).
3) Some nice tax curve in between (1-e^(t) it's my candidate ).

That way, you should commit to your investments (like real men do)... but give a real movility (after a month) in case you want to capitalize quickly. Current system just feed the greed of some, and don't help the economy.

Comment Re:They urgently need a new name (Score 1) 470

> "Libre" is used by others since it implies freedom (liberty, etc.) without really being a term from either "camp".

So why not LibertyOffice instead?

Or...since people usually call MS-Office simply 'Office', we could call ours 'THE Office' or somethin' just to mess with them. " got Office?" "No man...better. I got THE Office! ;-)"

nice... "Da' Office 'n Stuff"

Comment Re:Duh? (Score 1) 633

The chefs are payed for reproduction, not for the recipe. IF a machine is invented, so that you can input a memory card on it, and after some seconds there is a ready-to-be-served meal, no mater how hard or what ingredients are... then, the musicians would be as the chefs.

Comment Re:TrustedFlash security? (Score 1) 233

some kind of usb key perhaps... it's already used for signing or licencing... although it can be used so nobody else can access to you private data in case you lost the flash drive.

In any case, this can be a good thing. In case your pc die... you just go to another one, and voila! all your software and data redy to go again... meantime you can fix the other one.

A really movile profile, with all your goodies in there... The only problem i think it's the flash memory speed... it really suck

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