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Comment One again, Republicans make it easy to understand (Score 1, Funny) 297

Thanks, Republicans, for helping me figure out whether "Net Neutrality" is a good thing or a bad thing, without even having to find a definition. All one needs to do is figure out which side of the argument the Republicans are supporting. The opposite side is the one which is best for consumers. It's so easy!

Comment Re:The latency issue with the Wii. (Score 0) 160

I, for one, cannot wait until these guys tackle the Wii. Heck, I thought at first that that was the whole point behind the exercise. I've done my own tests, for what it's worth, though not using quite so idealized a setup. The Wiimote's motion control has tremendous input lag.. I gauged it to be at least 120ms greater than the buttons on the same controller. The kicker? The Wii Motion Plus did NOTHING to reduce this. And this is the reason why games which rely upon the motion component of the controller quite simply suffer for it. It's really only the games which minimize said control which remain playable. Natal and Sony's wand have essentially the same lag.

Comment No $200 Arcade box? (Score 0) 169

I like how the article (and its link to the article pushing the PS3) both ignore the continued existence of the $200 "Arcade" unit. Tell you what. I'll use the same approach:

Attention! Microsoft introduces bare-bones Xbox 360 with smaller internal storage and a pricetag $100 lower than the recently announced PS3 Slim! With this entry, Microsoft seeks to one-up the competition - both from Sony and their mutual rival, Nintendo - by offering the most affordable current-generation gaming console in the market. Combined with what is widely regarded as the most robust library of AAA titles, this new Xbox 360 package may prove irresistible to financially weary consumers this holiday season.

I also stifle a chuckle at the various folks who have implied that the PS3's price has been the only thing keeping it from being a success. Developers would beg to differ, since it takes a great deal more time and money to eke a 360-like performance out of the PS3, and generally involves sacrifices, such as anti-aliasing or reduced texture detail. Someone already said it earlier: The PS3 had three years to prove its hardware superiority. The only argument a person can still make is a deliberately vague one: To say that the PS3 has a "hardware advantage" (Blu-ray, Wifi) without specifically admitting that its visual capabilities are in fact inferior, as Konami themselves demonstrated with their three-year, 720p, 24fps masterpiece.

Comment What a relief (Score 0) 767

What a relief that the hacker "found nothing incriminating". I had been reading some worrying things about the email being used for both personal and governmental business. Glad this nonpartisan article cleared that up. Also glad it turns out that Palin actually did not give an introductory speech to the Alaska Independence Group in 2008. And that she had always, always opposed the Bridge To Nowhere and is not a flip-flopper. And that she's never abused her power to get people fired. And that those funny photos showing her not pregnant while her daughter was.. were taken of some lookalike family, not hers. So glad the GOP has finally found somebody without a trace of corruption or lies.

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