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Comment Re:Sounds familiar (Score 1) 145

But most people I have worked with become useful and resourceful in their early 30's, not at the age of 22.

This isn't about the age of the individual, but the complete failure of the higher education system. Raises the question what the fuck you're actually paying for too. *That's* the real end of college: the value derived isn't worth the pricetag any longer.

Comment Re:This is great news! (Score 2) 485

the stock market, actually, makes a shit litmus test for the health of the economy anymore. At least in a vacuum. Why? Because the entire market is overvalued thanks to a supply gap of securities created by 401k plans. The government has blessed the market as *the* retirement savings vehicle of the middle class, and now there aren't enough securities to meet the demand that this has created.

Comment Re:Silly (Score 0) 764

Your claim that this is not an isolated event is also an extraordinary claim that requires extraordinary evidence. But then everyone *wants* to believe gay-bashing is an epidemic because it fits the narrative being no one will ever ask.

Comment Re:Courage (Score 1) 764

Courage now defines a fucking millionaire saying something that most people already knew. If you watered down the definition of courage any further....I'd be courageous for getting out of bed this morning.

Comment Re:Silly (Score -1) 764

Really? Your own family attacked you with a crowbar? Then smashed your windshield with it, then rammed your car with a pickup truck? And they did it because you are a straight, middle class, right handed white male? Do you filter any of the diarrhea that dribbles out of your mouth at all?

No, liberals did. And your final sentence is indicative of just the oppression I've been first to suffer for being born this way.

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