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Comment Re:Yeah... Ok (Score 1) 623

looking at it from a programming standpoint, we have laws prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment. to me the most important word in there is AND. Both conditions would have to be true for it to be excluded. If we catch a mass murderer who uses a chain saw as his weapon of choice, and take his victims as a sample set, it may be extremely cruel to use a chainsaw to execute him, but it is certainly usual, so it would pass the test as a valid method of punishment

Comment Re:Does Red Cost You More? (Score 1) 299

i had always heard the red was the first color that humans would be unable to distinguish at night(shortest wavelength of visible light) so more likely to have nighttime accidents. one of the reasons they repainted the firetrucks around here baby-poop green

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It's a naive, domestic operating system without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.
