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Comment Re:Culprit ? (Score 3, Informative) 376

And the DRM makes them a more attractive choice than the Blu-Ray discs or HD cable

What makes them more attractive is that they don't cost $30 a pop. Having no DRM is a bonus, for sure, but really it comes down to HD movies being a horrible value. Most people outside the slashdot crew don't know what DRM is. Hell, most of them don't even know what a browser is. The bottom line is most people don't want to spend that kind of money on a Blu-ray when you can get two or three DVD's for the same price or just download them for free.

Comment Re:Well, it depends... (Score 1) 308

To be fair, every computer I had before my Pentium II box did not come equipped with a hard drive. And actually I only had one compy before that: A Laser 128/ZX. (Apple II clone) Come to think of it, I'm still using the computer desk I had got with the Laser for my current computer setup, sans the upper parts so I can fit current monitors. But I digress; I have older hard disks than my 8GB, but they were from salvaging older computers gifted to me because "you're into computers, right? I'm not using it anymore so..." Still, I think the smallest I have is the 2.1GB in my Thinkpad 380ed.

Comment Nostalgia and shenanigans... (Score 1) 269

Number Munchers was awesome. Also, when I learned BASIC and such I created a fake command prompt that gave nothing but syntax errors back to the user, as well as not allowing program breaks. Great for frustrating the hell out of the teacher, but I also implemented it as a kind of password system for some of my disks, as people would steal my work a lot. Of course those people weren't smart enough to bypass it by loading another disk with DOS on it and then swapping mine in to access my files, but if they were they would've done the work themselves anyway.

I think I still have an Apple II clone in storage at my parents' house... though since it's in the basement there's a good chance of water damage, unfortunately.

Comment Re:Laws have become horribly, horribly complex (Score 1) 270

As far as I'm concerned, gender is not a factor in determining what kind of person you are or what you can or can't do. The only difference between a geek guy and a geek girl is that I would be willing to date a geek girl. Girls are not just for dating, but they are the only type of geek I will date and I'm not going to sit here and feel guilty because I'm attracted to women who are intelligent and share my interests. All I was saying is that it doesn't matter if you're a girl or a guy on the Internet; the only reason gender would even come into play is if there were a possibility of forming an actual relationship IRL. I personally believe is highly unlikely due to factors such as distance (the fact that I live in the middle of nowhere doesn't help in that regard) which is why I feel a person's gender is irrelevant on an Internet forum, for geeks or otherwise.

It's my fault really, I had commented too hastily and failed to properly communicate my thoughts on the subject, making myself look like an ass. My apologies.

Comment Re:You know (Score 2, Insightful) 179

Minnesotans will vehemently disagree and tell you Canadians speak like that, then Canadians will turn around and cuss you out in French. Really though, nobody talks like that except old folks of Scandinavian descent and no one else in Minnesota does unless you are an asshole tourist looking to get your ass kicked. As a matter of fact, the actual "accent" or "dialect" we possess, or rather the lack of an accent or dialect, is often emulated by television and movie actors because the quality of our spoken English is the most clear and easily understood in the United States.

If you really want to make fun of Minnesotan speech, try slurring like a drunk. The town I grew up in, population not exceeding 2,000, has about a dozen bars. The town I live in now has about twenty, with over a dozen of those on main street, as well as three liquor stores on main as well, with a population of about 8,500 people. Drinking and driving isn't an issue around here, it's a competitive sport. So basically if you talk like you've had about a case of beer in one sitting, you'll sound like a Minnesotan, or rather, an Iron Ranger. Beyond that, we really don't have any obvious speech deficiencies, permanent effects of prolonged alcohol abuse notwithstanding.

Either way, I'm not so much proud of where I live (I'm really not) as much as I can't stand the ridiculous idea that everyone in Minnesota "speak like dat stupid woman from dat Fargo movie, oh ya doncha know. Uff da!"

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