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Comment Re:Learn JS and compete with $2/hr developers (Score 4, Interesting) 152

I am a little on the strange side. I dont expect anyone to like or appreciate this, but I try and stay below poverty for income if I can for a few reasons. The overall business plan is to build sites and such for low down and small monthlys, get enough of that and hosting to make a residual income and then just pick up checks and do whatever jobs roll along. Almost at the $1k residual mark, and with new and fixit jobs wandering in as well as my wife has an online shop it is slowly growing and working. Not that there isnt squeeky tight times, but for 5 years now we have kept the lights on and food on the plate and it is getting easier.

Comment Re:Learn JS and compete with $2/hr developers (Score 4, Interesting) 152

Having owned and run my own little web biz for 5 years now, I have run estimates on my real hourly income.. and its a little depressing. It usually does end up below minimum wage, but then a big job (feast cycle) hits and we start over. On the other hand..I have managed to pay bills for 5 years now in my PJ' I go tthat goin for me...

Comment Re:If you are still using Ubuntu... (Score 0) 259

Mint has 2 different bases, one is Ubuntu and one is Debian and offers them both in separate distros with an array of window managers and desktop environments. I jumped on board with the Ubuntu base a few months ago, have completely replaced Windows, and as a total Linux noob, the process has been relatively painless.

Comment Re:Firmware update? Unlikely. (Score 4, Interesting) 162

When I was around 12 or so, my dad was in the army and worked on anti-aircraft systems. One Saturday he needed to get or do something at the shop so he drug me along for the ride. Both of us in our plain clothes. We walked up to the shop, 2 guards patrolling, he said hi, pulled out his keys and opened the door. I was in awe of what I saw inside.. 15 M163 Vulcan self-propelled anti-aircraft guns all in a line. We piddled with some things, he started one up and made sure to tell me repeatedly dont stand in front of this.. (the radar).. and after an hour or so we left.

Almost to the car, he said.. "you remember those two guards?" "Yes.." I said "I didnt know them from Adam. You can get away with anything if you look like you know what you are doing."

A lesson I have remembered all my life and used on more than one occasion.

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