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Comment Re:Palin? (Score 1) 187

Now a Wheel of Time book can take 1000 pages to tell you one day's worth of events. Or a whole chapter to describe a dress.

While I would agree in general with your assertion, I've read the first 10 books of The Wheel of Time, twice, and could NOT get through the first 200 pages of Fellowship. It's the difference in the writing style that gets me. Robert Jordan wrote with an almost Southern (U.S.) style of description, very laid back, not thick enough that you need waders to get through. Tolkein's was very stiff and British.

What drove me nuts was when he (Jordan) would describe a character and then bring the character back several books later and you were supposed to remember who it was, what they had done, and things they had said all based on a physical description. THAT was annoying. "Wait, this old, bald dude sitting on the barrel is apparently someone we are supposed to remember since there is so much focused on him... now, which book was he in last time?"

Comment Re:Been following this for awhile. (Score 1) 1240

One point that that the summary and article leaves out was that another student had previously gone to the hospital for an overdose on ibuprofen.

But let's think about this for a moment. The amount of Ibuprofen that a kid would need to ingest to warrant going to the hospital could not possibly have been hidden in a girl's bra and/or panties. If they were suspecting that she had enough to sell or distribute then logically a cavity search would have been more appropriate. Oh wait, she wasn't in a prison. So I guess they either A) Went way, way too far, or B) Didn't go far enough. Hmmm. Which is it?

I work for a school district just outside of Tucson and I can tell you that the rumor of someone with prescription drugs isn't even a mandatory report (i.e. call the police), let alone a physical search of a student. I agree that if there was sufficient cause, a police officer should have been informed along with the parents, but in a case like this the AP, nurse and secretary should all be fired with extreme prejudice. Anybody know where the hell the school resource officer was in this case? Oh, and WTF was a secretary involved for in the first place?

Comment Re:Create a portable lab (Score 1) 411

Interactive whiteboards are crap. There is little teaching theory behind there effective use. They can't be used as regular whiteboards when computers or networks are down or bulbs burn out, and they lock you into proprietary formats that will burn you if you ever want or need to switch.

Clearly written by someone without a clue. The so-called "proprietary formats" you are referring to may have been true five years ago, but now any interactive whiteboard software can use lessons created with any other interactive whiteboard software. You may need a plugin or a reader, but it's still usable. There is also talk of creating a standard format to be used by ALL interactive whiteboard software, regardless of manufacturer. Talk in the gov't, not just the industry. And most can now import files from regular document formats as well, and saved as such when done. As far as being used as regular whiteboards when the computer/networks are down, some can. Mimeos (sp?) and Hitachi Starboards are usable as regular whiteboards (hell, the mimeos ARE regular whiteboards with a little bar that turns it into an interactive whiteboard sending the IR signals to the computer).

As far as the teaching theory behind *their* effective use, have you ever actually seen one in use? In the hands of a teacher that knows what they are doing, they can engage the students far more than any other teaching medium out there. Forget powerpoints, powerpoints are for business meetings. Forget overheads, those were last millennium. The power at your fingertips with an interactive board and a computer with access to the internet is virtually unlimited. I once watched a teacher give a presentation on North Korea and I completely forgot that I was there to fix her desktop, I was so engaged in the lesson. She used a ppt as the basis for the presentation but deviated regularly to the internet for media and pictures to augment the lesson, and soon was far beyond the simple powerpoint. I caught myself after a bit and looked around the room and saw that every single student was not only paying attention, but actually seemed to be learning. And if you've been in a high school in the last 10 years you'd find that to be a rare event. And, no, this was not an AP class.

Interactive whiteboards, when used properly (and its not hard to do), can do wonderful, powerful things. Even teach this ADHD computer geek something. I had to literally tear myself away to fix the computer I was working on. But I learned a little bit about the DMZ between N and S Korea that day.

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