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Comment Re:Not necessarily what Canadians are hoping for. (Score 1) 142

The fact that all subscribers are throttled is a red herring. This is still anti-competitive behaviour, as it removes a significant point of competitive differentiation between Bell and the independent ISPs. Bell saw it as 'unfair' that the other ISPs could offer unthrottled connections, but they were the ones who decided to throttle their own customers! Bell was beginning to lose customers after they implemented throttling in Fall 2007, so they began throttling everyone over Easter weekend 2008. Without notice, and after they promised the other ISPs they wouldn't. We can see some of the same tactics going on now with the debate over Usage-Based Billing. Bell currently allows their subscribers 60GB/month, so naturally the tariff should allow everyone to offer only 60GB/month. This is not to mention the inherent conflict of interest Bell Canada has in this matter. Of course they don't want people to get used to getting their content over the internet - that would eat into their Bell TV (satellite) subscriber base, not to mention their content holdings (CTV). There's only one solution here - structural separation of Bell Canada.

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