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Comment Re:Most of the voters do too - there lies the prob (Score 0) 326

In other words, you are saying that we should be judged in comparison to the worst countries out there rather than how well we live up to our own expectations for ourselves.

That does not mean we should accept it. The people to which we entrust the reigns of power must be held to the highest possible standard. Abuse under the cloak of authority has been with us since the first human civilization -- the great thing about modern civilizations is that we have laws to punish that abuse. Now is not the time to go roll back modern life to a pre-magna carta standing..

I love it when Americans think their country is the most free and hot shit country on the planet. And then find out it isn't.

Maybe if you didn't harbor illusions about the "highest possible standard" in your leadership, you'd be able to elect people who weren't total douches in the employ of corporations. It's so easy to reject a good candidate just because he once cheated on his wife, or shoplifted when he was 8. But that just leads to some rich douchebag who can afford to hide his mistakes to get elected with the full intention of fucking you over.

Comment Re:BS? Barbara Streisand? (Score 1) 465

Oh yes, didn't you know? Between gigs, she flies her pink six-wheeled Ford to some island in the Pacific, where she sips Pernod by the pool, and launches rocket planes with tiny puppet vigilantes in them who terrorise world governments and bring Freedom to their asses.

Not to mention the occasional cameos as a robotic destroyer of small Colorado towns.

Comment Re:RIP (Score 1) 1613

While I'm not a fan of Apple's business practices, Steve made a lot of advances in technology. RIP.

You mean advances in design.. the technology innovations weren't his, he just took them to the next level of usability. Something which I aspire to somewhat in my own line of work. So I didn't appreciate a lot of the things Apple did and don't own the toys (because that's what they are), but I don't deny what they did to the field of personal computing.

RIP Jobs.. enter greedy corporate bastards carving Apple's carcass into their own personal empires.

Comment Re:Putyour money were your mouth is! (Score 1) 178

Seems like a strawman technique to me though. "Hey everyone, the movie pirates were liars - they didn't buy this terrible movie after downloading it for free off Bittorent!" If it was a half decent movie, I would most likely download it and buy it if I liked it... but a horror movie titled Tunnel? Not interested in even the free version.

I think you're right, with that name they should've tagged it as a porn movie.

Comment Not-a-troll (Score 1) 901

I think this proves what my personal experience is.. that there's a lot of good in Linux for the end-user, especially in Ubuntu. But there are SERIOUS gaps in drivers & usability sometimes. It's a better effort from a community than I thought possible some years ago, but amount of work to keep all drivers up-to-date is just too much. Windows wins by virtue of all companies automatically developing drivers for it.. so whenever some driver doesnt work, it's the vendor, not M$ that gets the blame. But with linux driver handling is so integrated into the system most users (like my wife) just go "linux sucks" when something doesnt work. This is just my opinion and doesnt need to be followed by posts asking "So what exactly doesnt work?" and "You're wrong, all you need to do is configure doohickey1 by using nageesh3.8, which you can get with the command...."

Comment Re:TCO Fud (Score 1) 465

While you're probably a troll, i'll take your bait:

Not every church has this problem, because not every church expects celibacy from their priests. For example: Lutheran (protestant) clergy are allowed to marry, thus have no need to get their rocks off prison style.

Comment Re:TCO Fud (Score 1) 465

Come on, Bill gates more popular than the pope, Total Cost of ownership bullshit... I agree this is news for nerds but, is it stuff that matters? No.

I can see Bill being more popular than the pope, atleast he just screws his mainly adult customers, while the catholics are known for their penchant for the underage demographic.


Research Suggests E-Readers Are "Too Easy" To Read 185

New research suggests that the clear screens and easily read fonts of e-readers makes your brain "lazy." According to Neuroscience blogger Jonah Lehrer, using electronic books like the Kindle and Sony Reader makes you less likely to remember what you have read because the devices are so easy on the eyes. From the article: "Rather than making things clearer, e-readers and computers prevent us from absorbing information because their crisp screens and fonts tell our subconscious that the words they convey are not important, it is claimed. In contrast, handwriting and fonts that are more challenging to read signal to the brain that the content of the message is important and worth remembering, experts say."

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