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Comment Re:Simple solution: quit being a customer (Score 1) 141

Amen to that.

I adamantly refuse to support the RIAA labels until they stop treating consumers like crap.

That doesn't mean changing the tactics used in treating consumers like crap - it means STOP TREATING THEM LIKE CRAP.

Sadly, though - for every one person who refuses to purchase their wares, there are ten more who need their "Soulja Boy fix", and will keep groups like UMG in business. To make matters worse, groups like UMG and Sony obviously aren't one-trick ponies. They have other industries they can draw money from, even if their music component doesn't make one dime.

One can only hope that if the music component of their business declined enough, they would kick it to the curb, but that's not a given.

Comment Re:IANAL, so...? (Score 4, Interesting) 97

What's the penalty for this kind of thing, in terms of the company and individuals? I hope there's some personal liability in there somewhere.

I hope there's a penalty too, but going after MediaSentry itself is pointless. They're just a disposable face.

The court should take out its judicial fury on the corporations pulling MediaSentry's strings. I'm not talking about the RIAA either. Keep going even further back. Follow the money. Make the real people calling the shots accountable.

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