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Comment Re:Zero! (Score 1) 260

No need for Wi Fi when Wired Ethernet is much faster and more secure!

Says the AC with no phone, tablet, or laptop to carry out to the back deck when it's nice or out front while the kids are playing.
While they are important there's much more to data than speed and security!

Comment Re:missing 0 option (Score 1) 260

"Makes the Nook tablets unable to connect to the 'net at home, but, at home, I don't need them connected, anyway, since I feed them by SD card."

E-readers gently sip at the battery, until you turn on the wireless radio. By leaving my Paperwhite in airplane mode I get about double the battery life, about 2-3 weeks of heavy reading.

Comment Re: yes but (Score 1) 302

A straw man argument is when one party mischaracterizes what another party said in order to defeat the "reinterpreted" argument and thus appear to have "won". If you scroll up and actually read the words I wrote, you'll note that I never claimed HL took away anyone's freedoms or dictated choices to employees. Discounting the two straw man arguments in the previous post leaves your first line about why you're using your sock puppet account to reply and a statement about being free to negotiate a contract which clearly came from some other discussion. Rather than continue this thread, I think I'll just agree to disagree with you.

Comment Re:yes but (Score 1) 302

I tend to wonder if you'd feel the same way if you owned a business and the Federal government passed a law stating you had to pay for female genital mutilation procedures for young girls and "straight camps" for gays.

Assuming I found the idea of male or female genital mutilation and "straight camps" reprehensible I absolutely would feel the same way. See below.

There were 4 specific methods which the owners found to be abhorrent to their religious convictions. In essence, they consider those 4 specific methods to be murder.

If I consider cockroaches holy I still don't have the right to forbid or obstruct a fumigator from doing his job.

There are many actions I disagree with committed in my name (and with my tax money) by the federal, state and local governments in whose jurisdiction I happen to reside. The fact I don't like how my resources are being utilized does not give me the right to refuse to pay taxes, permission to disrupt law enforcement activities or anything similar.
In both cases there is a law in place. In my case I have to comply or face the consequences. In HL's case, they apparently do not have to comply with some of the law because they don't like it?
While I understand that HL was able to summon the money and political clout to push the issue clear through the Supreme Court for an exception, I remain unconvinced that what occurred here was just/right even though it's clearly legal.

OT: Thank you for your considered statements, reasonable tone and for not trying to turn this into a flame war.

Comment Re:yes but (Score 1) 302

You just cannot require hobby lobby to pay for the procedure.

Hobby Lobby may not want to pay for certain (or any) coverage, but they are required to. The ACA was signed into law on 3-23-2010.
We're discussing under what circumstances (sky wizard edict, talking unicorn, invisible secret friend) parts of this law can be ignored, if you really want to ignore it and own a company, in light of the recent SCOTUS decision.

Comment Re:yes but (Score 2) 302

...people that run businesses must not be abused by the government and having their freedoms revoked just because they are running a business.

As I mentioned above, the owners of HL are free to use (or not) contraceptives as they choose. Weather they should be required to provide the insurance in the first place is a different matter entirely.
In this case which would you support, the freedom of the employees to make their own choices or the freedom of HL to try to dictate those choices for them?

Comment Re:yes but (Score 2) 302

They did not ask to be put into the situation where they control the womans healthcare. The government forced them, by law, to provide health care. Then the government forced them, by law, to include contraceptive devices that abort a fertilized fetus. (many of the contraceptive devices covered kill the post-fertilized egg) Their only option out was to pay a fine that would go directly to paying for the very same services they oppose.

From their point of view the government just required them to pay for their employees to have the ability to murder babies. Now, you can disagree with that point of view, I know I do. But it really is their point of view. They really do view it has killing babies. That's a violation of their ability to freely express their religion. The government could have addressed this a dozen different ways. Exempting them from the penalties if they didn't provide the care would have been the simplest. But they didn't. The whitehouse should have seen this coming, they should have provided a religious exemption, but they didn't.

This is getting a bit muddled, so I'd like to list a couple points of fact:
- HL is required to provide healthcare to their employees. The legislation has been enacted, it's a done deal.
- This birth control is part of that healthcare.

Nobody is telling the owners of HL not to use birth control. They have the right to make that choice for themselves.
We are talking about weather HL has the right to selectively refuse to provide this federally mandated medical care coverage to their employees because they (HL) don't like/agree/approve of it.

Comment Re:My experience (Score 1) 143

I have a client with a very fancy (and frighteningly expensive) Crestron setup, and nobody uses it. Too complicated and does not give repeatable results.
OTOH, for about $35 one can get a Chromecast and via their "beta" functionality export the screen of any computer running Chrome. Sure it's laggy and I don't think it does sound, but when someone just wants a powerpoint on the screen with no room full of people waiting, it does the job admirably.

Comment Re:We should have a choice (Score 1) 455

There will always be a need for car dealerships, but there is no good reason to ban direct sales. This is pure rent-seeking behavior. The dealerships should position themselves as Tesla's partners in buying/selling used Teslas and in repairs.

I'm not so sure about that. While I'm no expert on the subject I found this podcast. It's from NPR and 16 minutes long, but I thought it very informative.

Comment Re:Mexico Vaccinates Better Than The US (Score 2) 387

Couldn't agree more. If someone has snuck across the border and evaded the established legal process to come here by doing so, that would make them an immigrant who has entered the country illegally. While it is technically correct to say they are "undocumented", it's also technically correct to say that Japan was "splashed" or "moistened" by that tsunami in 2011.

Comment Re:More taxes! (Score 1) 146

I seem to remember a fairly old (sci-fi?) story where the president got picked in a lottery. It dealt with the ramifications, both large and small scale, of this method. Anyone having better luck remembering or googling than me?

At a certain point, maybe just randomizing the system would result in a better setup than the entrenched, bought-and-paid-for bureaucracy we have now.

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