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Comment Re:Just like Teacher "Grades" (Score 1) 245

School is about learning things, not some fuzzy concept of "learning how to learn".

I completely disagree with this. It's like the old adage "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." Same thing with learning --- unless you think the only place that learning takes place is in school.

Comment Re:Seriously... (Score 1) 245

Sorry for the messed up formatting. That should have read:

Every individual has different strengths and weaknesses.

This is an important point. Standardized tests assume everyone is like a cog coming off an assembly line. Good education should be tailored to needs of the student, not the needs of an industrial education system.

Comment Re:Seriously... (Score 1) 245

Every individual has different strengths and weaknesses.

This is an important point. Standardized tests assume everyone is like a cog coming off an assembly line. Good education should be tailored to needs of the student, not the needs of an industrial education system.

Comment Re:I'm still shaking off the crappiest winter ever (Score 1) 385

Yeah, we had a crappy winter on the West Coast too. But it was the opposite of what happened on the East Coast. Very warm and very little snow in the mountains where we depend on it for late summer stream flows.

I live on the same continent you do and I've lived here since the 1950's. It's easily the warmest year I can remember and the weather statistics support that assertion.

Unless you're taking a global view of the situation you're missing to much to have an informed opinion.

Comment Re:Satellite Data? (Score 1) 385

You just don't know how adjusted the satellite data is. Far more adjustment goes into satellite data than the surface temperature records.

Satellites don't measure temperature directly but rather the microwave emissions of O2 molecules. The data has to be adjusted for orbital variations, sensor degradation, the effects of clouds and water vapor, the effects of high elevations and the differences of replacement satellites that are launched every 10 years or so. Compared to that surface temperature adjustments are a piece of cake.

Comment Re: raw data (Score 1) 385

Anyone with some statistical chops can handle the raw data. The reason you don't see raw data graphs of global temperatures from climate contrarians is because they don't help their case that much. Instead they'll cherry pick some individual records like that station in Paraguay and try to imply that shows the global records are rigged.

I know there were some cold records set east of the Rockies on North America this past winter although not all that many. That doesn't negate the fact that there were also record high temperatures west of the Rockies and when you look at it globally it was a pretty warm winter.

Comment Re:raw data (Score 1) 385

Until they provide the raw unedited unnormalized data this can't be believed.

Peer review is at the core of any scientific theory or hypothesis. Peer review is required for validation of the conclusions.

You wouldn't know what to do with the raw data if you got it. It is available to anyone who cares to seek it out but it may take some work to get it.

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