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Comment Re:Microsoft enters the lucrative fat shaming mark (Score 2) 299

You aren't thinking the 'next step' in this.

Bra as a service
The best support you could hope for, exactly when you need it.

Of course, MS would need to really work on their support, the few times I have had to contact them for real tech issues, they have wanted to charge me before I could even leave a bug report.

Comment Re:Just Never (Score 1) 194

None of the knives I own cost me more than like $5.

I buy a new one when an old one is messed up too much.

I don't know what they are made of, says 'stainless' on the blade, but who really cares.

They work, they cut stuff, when they stop doing that I buy more.

You talk as though there is any real difference in the food prepared (I can tell you now, I am not that good a chef). I use a glass cutting board because it is easy to clean and doesn't weigh a ton (or look horrible like a block of wood would).

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
