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Mediterranean Undersea Cables Cut, Again 329

miller60 writes "Three undersea cables in the Mediterranean Sea have failed within minutes of each other in an incident that is eerily similar to a series of cable cuts in the region in early 2008. The cable cuts are already causing serious service problems in the Middle East and Asia. See coverage at the Internet Storm Center, Data Center Knowledge and Bloomberg. The February 2008 cable cuts triggered rampant speculation about sabotage, but were later attributed to ships that dropped anchor in the wrong place."
Book Reviews

Practical Web 2.0 Applications with PHP 153

Michael J. Ross writes "Web 2.0 applications and sites commonly employ a number of technologies: PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript/Ajax, microformats (standard formats for HTML data), tags (keywords for categorizing site content), and Web feeds (formatted and streamed Web content, usually in XML, such as an RSS feed). Because learning and using most of these technologies can be rather challenging to a Web developer, perhaps the best way to get started doing so is by using all of them to create a single Web-based application, with no pretense at mastering any one of them. This is the approach taken in Quentin Zervaas's book, Practical Web 2.0 Applications with PHP." Read on for the rest of Michael's review.

Submission + - Ron Paul Raises $3.5 Million In One Day

realinvalidname writes: The AP is reporting that Presidential candidate Ron Paul raised over $3.5 million online Monday, a record for a Republican. The push was part of a campaign surge tied to Guy Fawkes Day. From the story: "Fawkes was a British mercenary who failed in his attempt to kill King James I on Nov. 5, 1605. He also was the model for the protagonist in the movie V for Vendetta. Paul backers motivated donors on the Internet with mashed-up clips of the film on the online video site YouTube as well as the Guy Fawkes Day refrain: "Remember, remember the 5th of November.""

Submission + - Ron Paul Raises More Than $3M Online in 18 hours 2

Lawrence_Bird writes: Republican Presidential candidate has raised in excess of $3 million since midnight. Grassroots supporters organized a 'money bomb' campaign for 5 November — Guy Fawkes day (remember, remember the 5th of Novemeber). At about 5:50pm EST, the total passed the $3 mio mark and is on a pace for over $4 mio by midnight. The NY Times political blog has more details.

Submission + - Biggest Grassroots Online Fundraiser in History

maxmerkel writes: "Today, the 5th of november, is a historical date. This day the presidential campaign of Dr. Ron Paul has raised $1,220,911 since midnight and that just counts online contributions.
This amount is outdated as soon as i submit this story — you can watch the donation spree here or even join the frenzy at ronpaul2008.com if you happen to support the end of war, limited constitutional government, lower taxes and the protection of your civil rights and the privacy of the internet.
The huge online fundraiser is apparently a combined grassroots effort to overcome the long lasting mainstream media blackout about Dr. Paul's campaign.
You can watch a short clip about Dr. Ron Paul at youtube."

Comcast Charges $1000 Per Wiretap 178

It seems trashing the Fourth Amendment is very profitable: For one company, FISA wiretaps carry a $1K pricetag

Comcast, which is among the nation's largest telecommunication companies, charges $1,000 to install a FISA wiretap and $750 for each additional month authorities want to keep an eye on suspects, according to the company's Handbook for Law Enforcement. Secrecy News obtained the document and published it Monday.
Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - WoW Addiction Results in Death of Toddler

Henry V .009 writes: The Albuquerque Journal reports that Federal authorities have just charged Rebecca Wulf for allowing her 3-year-old daughter to starve to death, surrounded by "cat feces, moldy food and unwashed dishes" while Rebecca played World of Warcraft. I thought Slashdoters might want an early heads up on what is likely to become a big news story. Having worked with abused children in the past, I can say that the stories I hear of WoW addiction cases are on the level of hard drug addiction stories — in my opinion at least, this can no longer be dismissed as a 'you can be addicted to anything' issue anymore.

Midnight Best Buy Launch Locations for PS3 54

If you're on pins and needles looking forward to November 17th, you'll be very interested to know that Kotaku has a list of Best Buy stories opening at Midnight on PS3 launch day. The list of 18 stores allowed to open at the very start of the day comes from what is apparently an internal memo. The other stores are slated to open at 8am, assuming there are no restrictions on the time they can open (if they're in a mall, for example). As a refresher for launch day fans, make sure and check out the list of launch window titles, and the accessories price list.

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