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Comment Re:So will it still be simple to switch? (Score 1) 481

There's a lot of potential out in the future that could cripple the disc-based side of things (look at the current turmoil involved with the Post Office).

If I were to wager, I would bet that the Congresscritters who blather on about "limited government" will prefer to let Level 3 et al upcharge and/or QoS route Netflix network packets, than face their rural constituents' ire at the USPS no longer routing packages down their country roads.

Comment ... aaaand down 3.65% at 10:51 (Score 1) 481

Wall Street is a fickle mistress, and cares overmuch what other people are saying about you.

The initial bounce was probably due to their CEO saying something -- anything -- in response to the customer anger over the price hikes that have caused their stock price to go from ~300 to ~150 over the last three months. Now some 'analysts' are weighing in with much the same "Uhmmm, what?" that Netflix's customers are.

Comment ... with an elbow and a knee and a roundhouse kick (Score 1) 481

The differentiating factor of their streaming offering *is* the integration with a physical disc queue.

Exactly. I don't doubt that In The Future, we'll all be watching movies and TV programs primarily via internet stream. I already do.

But Netflix needs to face reality about their current streaming offerings... I like Muay Thai boxing movies, sci-fi b-flicks, and 30-year-old TV series as much as the next guy (that is, I do, but a little goes a long way), but most people want to see something that's in the "Top 100" too (I do). Currently, Netflix streaming doesn't doesn't offer that, but Netflix streaming+DVD does... as does Amazon, iTunes, Hulu+, etc.

The only thing that would make this make sense is if Netflix, by divorcing their DVD delivery and streaming businesses, will get better selection and terms from movie studios and other content holders for their streaming service.

Comment Get a grip (Score 2) 528

"Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were killed or critically injured, and those that weren't are living in worse conditions than under Saddam Hussein's rule, but I'm 10% underwater on the suburban McMansion I bought in 2006.... I'm the victim I tell ya!"

Target the Federal Reserve.

And buy gold coins to bury in your backyard!

We're not in Great Depression II. We're not even as bad off as in the 1970's. Lots of people are really hurting economically, through little or no fault of their own, and they do need help. I agree that the "too big to fail" banks are culpable, but the only way lots of people in the US are going to starve is if the "de-regulate everything" and "drown government in a bathtub" folks get their way.

Comment Re:Great...now just one more issue.... (Score 1) 681

becoming too PC is a weakness. If we would just profile

Yep profiling seems to work for the Israelis.

Note that the Israelis don't do racial profiling, so "too PC" doesn't really enter into it (though as noted below ability to scale the process to meet US traffic does). Granted, in that part of the world, selecting for "brown skinned" gets you an indistinct, useless set. But they're also apparently smart enough to realize that there are white/black/yellow-skinned people who want to martyr themselves, too.

Comment Re:How about . . . WRONG!!! (Score 1) 458

Asking the parents' advice ahead of time is great advice. You might have thought that Harry Potter was a story promoting values of loyalty and courage to do the right thing, or that Kiki's Delivery Service was about perseverance and respect for elders. You didn't realize you were trying to convert their kids to witchcraft, or that any music that doesn't talk about Jesus is actually Satan's siren song.

It would be nice if it went both ways. See, while I'm sensitive enough not to gift the Golden Compass trilogy, if I say anything about the picture book of Bible Stories featuring the crucifixion and narrative explaining that the Flood was God's way of drowning all the "wicked people," then I'm the dick, because they're just trying to save my kid's soul.

But yeah, C.S. Lewis is probably something we can all agree on.

Comment Or they'll love it... (Score 2, Interesting) 569

My first job out of college many years ago was as a tech writer. I got 'synergized' into also being responsible for producing marketing materials (because I had a Mac, and had figured out how to use Adobe Illustrator and Quark and etc.). It seemed potentially fun at first. I read a few books on graphic design, and pestered a couple of buddies of mine where were employed as actual designers for tips and critiques of my first efforts, which they thought pretty impressive.

The people at work, however, hated it. I learned that at my company, no one else was a tech writer, but EVERYONE was a budding artist, whose many opinions on aesthetics HAD to be listened to. I took to doing three comps for any project, one of which was always the butt-ugliest, most garish, negative-space-ignoring piece of crap I could muster. Guess which one the President and Director of Marketing -always- picked? Everyone thought I was a genius.

Comment Re:Other countries should start policing Internet (Score 2, Insightful) 343

Fortunately for you, people like that lady rarely can be bothered to actually go vote, whereas people like this lady take it as their Holy Mission to get to the polls for every single general, primary, or school board election.

Perhaps if we all didn't get so wrapped up in the moral panics and anger points politicians use to manipulate us, you and I could elect people who'd actually do something sane about things like IP laws and their enforcement... you know, "stuff that matters."

Comment Re:Social networks (Score 1) 295

Meanwhile, they launched some half-baked plan to rewrite the whole thing in Java, while people were bailing from the site out of frustration.

The half-baked plan was to ditch the Java code and rewrite it in PHP, when it's pretty clear the main issue was the way they were representing hierarchical relationships in a SQL relational database (it certainly can be done, but it's easily done poorly).

Either way, it's an excellent example of desperate devs grasping at the straw of "language 'x' sucks, let's rewrite in language 'y'!" and then being disappointed when the switch doesn't spray magick pixie dust curing all their problems.

Comment Re:What? (Score 2, Insightful) 173

The problem with getting warrants is that they take time to get.

My brother-in-law is a homicide detective. According to him, he can get a warrant in under 30 minutes, if it's important.

We'll be presented with all manner of 24-esque ticking-time-bomb-in-the-school-basement scenarios to illustrate why and when this warrant-less search power would be used. In reality, it will be used to dredge up dirt on status-quo-threatening politicians and political activists that will then be mysteriously leaked to the press.


Geomagnetic Storm In Progress 110

shogun writes "The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports a strong geomagnetic storm is in progress. The shuttle, ISS and GPS systems may be affected." They think this storm was caused by a weak solar flare on April 3rd. As you may expect, this has caused some unusually impressive northern lights since it started. What you may not expect is a photograph from Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi aboard the International Space Station showing the aurora from orbit. He apparently tweets a lot of pictures from space. He and his crewmates have taken over 100,000 pictures since coming aboard the ISS.

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